Ms. Munn

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Reading Response #4 Due for Wednesday    Publishers estimate that most readers decide whether to purchase a book in less than twenty seconds. How a story begins is one of the most important elements of the story. It is the authors opportunity to convince you that this is a book you want to finish. In this response you are going to reflect on the choices the author made when beginning the story.        What incident or conflict does the author use to begin this story? (be sure to quote directly from your book)Why do you think they chose this beginning?      Is there another beginning they could have chosen that would have been better? Explain why or why not.  

Posted: November 14, 2011

Reading Response #2: Characters usually have a problem to solve. The problem and the process of "solving” it usually reveals more about the character's personality. Explain how the main character(s) are trying to solve problems and how does this reveal their personality. (Pay attention to word choice- how a character behaves is revealed in word choice.) Example: She slithered into the room. and She strode into the room. These represent to very different ways of behaving and therefore two different types of character. 

Posted: November 14, 2011

Unit 3Mid-Unit ReviewPage 128Questions: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10

Posted: November 10, 2011

The final response for all fiction reading is as follows. Answer the following questions using quotes where possible. Complete details are necessary.   1. Who is/are the main character(s)?   2. What does the main character want? (What is their goal in the story?)   3. But, what gets in the way of the character reaching their goal? (What challenges do they face?)   4. So, what does the character do to solve their problem?   5. Then, how does the story end? ( How does the reader know that the character is moving on into the future?) 6. How did the main character change as a result of the plot of the story?    

Posted: November 10, 2011

  Character Response #3   How does the author of your book use a supporting character (for example: a best friend) to help you understand the main character better and to move the plot of the story forward? (Respond in 100-150 words)  

Posted: November 10, 2011

Unit 3Section 3.4Page 125-26Questions: 5, 6, 9, 11, 14, 16, 17

Posted: November 9, 2011

Unit 3Section 3.3Page 119-120Questions: 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 18 

Posted: November 7, 2011

Tests were returned. Corrections are expected by Tuesday. A rewrite for those who did poorly will be offered next Tuesday. Extra-help is available on Monday from me and on Thursday from Mr. Richard. T-time help can be arranged on most days.

Posted: November 3, 2011

I have posted the sample response we worked on in class as a document on my teacher page. The response is due on Monday.

Posted: November 3, 2011

The following response is a model. I expect your own responses will be shorter than this. However, if they are as long as this one that is not a concern. Remember I expect your response to be between 100 and150 words (or more).
PDF icon sample_response_from_holes.pdf171.03 KB
