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EECD Return to School Plan


The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development has released a guide for parents for the return to school.


This guide provides information to parents on the Return to School plan for September, regarding:


  • Guiding Principles;
  • Outbreak Management;
  • Classroom; and 
  • Learning


Also, all schools of our district will have an operational plan in place that will include the health and safety guidelines for staff and students. The operational plan of your school will be shared before students return to school on Sept. 8.


If you have questions about the guide, you can contact the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development by e-mail at



PDF icon returnschool_guideparents.pdf Newsletter Aug 18, 2020
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Empathy - Horizon Health Office presentation icon empathy_-_horizon_health_-_november_2016.ppt Dec 8, 2016
Fall Activity Periods Attached is the after school activity periods that are available for September and October.  Microsoft Office document icon activty_period_0.doc Memo Sep 8, 2014
Family Meals - Horizon Health Office presentation icon family_meals_april_24_2017_horizon.ppt Apr 21, 2017
February Newsletter PDF icon february_newsletter1.pdf Newsletter Apr 15, 2011
February Newsletter Microsoft Office document icon F_E_B_R_U_A_R_Y___N_E_W_S_L_E_T_T_E_R1.doc Newsletter Mar 29, 2010
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PDF icon 03-03-2023_parents_and_guardians.pdf Memo Mar 3, 2023
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GNB Orange Phase directives, current as of December 11, 2020

PDF icon directives_for_orange_alert_level.pdf Memo Jan 6, 2021
Handwashing Office presentation icon handwashing_april_2016_final_horizon.ppt Apr 7, 2016
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Healthy Relationships - Horizon Health Office presentation icon healthy_relationships_k-8_final_horizon_oct_2016.ppt Oct 31, 2016
Home and School Membership Letter Our new president, Mary Lynn Jardine, has invited all the parents, caregivers, and staff to join our Home and School Association. PDF icon parents1.pdf Other Oct 25, 2011
Horizon Health - Active Summer Office presentation icon active_summer_may_2015.ppt Other Jun 17, 2015
Horizon Health - Bike Helmets Office presentation icon bike_helmets_june_2015.ppt Other Jun 17, 2015
Horizon Health - Dangers of Smoking Office presentation icon dangers_of_smoking_november__24_2014_final.ppt Other Nov 25, 2014
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Horizon Health - Portion Distortion Office presentation icon portion_distortion_december__2014_final_horizon.ppt Other Dec 5, 2014


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