Superintendent Update - Jan 7 2022

Posted: January 7, 2022

Good Afternoon,

I hope that everyone had a relaxing break.  Although we did not plan on returning to on-line learning, it is the way that we will be proceeding as per the decision by Minister Cardy last week.  

This element of on-line learning will have students receiving direct instruction using technology.  On Monday, homeroom teachers will be posting student on-line schedules on their teacher pages.  In addition, the school will be sharing our plans on our website and social media.   

We realize that not all families will have the technology requirements to adequately do on-line learning; to support those families we will be preparing home learning materials.  If you require a home learning kit, please let the school know.  You can reply by email ( or leave a voice mail on the school phone (778-6077).  In either situation, please let us know the child's name and their homeroom teacher by Monday at noon.  

Based on requests, home learning kits will be available for pick up on Monday, January 10th from 2-4pm and again on Tuesday, January 11th from 9am - 3 pm.  In addition, any students who need to pick up materials from their locker or classroom, can come during those times.  

Finally, we realize that being at home can impact our students' mental health.  Regardless if you are currently meeting with guidance, if any student or parent would like to book an appointment with Mr. Richardson, please reach out to him directly -

DLMS families can also view the update for Superintendent Mark Donovan regarding the changes to public health protocols and expectations for at home learning.

Please have a great weekend and look for additional information from the school on Monday.

Mr. Waye