Terry Fox Walk Fundraiser - Challenge Cup Results

Posted: September 25, 2024

At DLMS this week, the Knights did a FANTASTIC JOB fundraising for the Terry Fox foundation! Classrooms were filled with students learning about Terry Fox’s story and the motivational impact it has had on Canadians over the years. To add even more incentive, students had a homeroom competition to see who could fundraise the most money for the cause, and earn points toward the Challenge Cup awarded at the end of the year. On Tuesday September 24th the Knights completed their walk, and the top three classes were awarded their points. Coming in third place was 7K, coming in second was 6/7 L, and our first place winner was 7S. But the most exciting part was that the DLMS team came together to fundraise a total of $1119.18 for the Terry Fox Foundation, collectively. Congratulations to our winners, and a huge thank you to every Knight who contributed! 

Way to go Knights!!
