Update - Home Learning Plan - Nov 1

Posted: November 1, 2021

Good Evening,

Enclosed is a letter from Superintendent Mark Donovan with an update for families regarding expectations for home learning across ASD-N.  Also included is an infographic from DLMS that should help simplify for families how we will be delivering learning to students while we are at home.  



As stated in the home learning plan, homeroom teachers will reach out to students each morning using our Teams platform to check in on them.  Subject teachers will be posting work for the day (amount of work is based on how many classes they have per week - as stated in the infographic) and will communicate with students as needed to support them.  If families are haivng difficulty using the Teams platform, please reach out to staff so we can help.  Those families that need a "No Tech" option should reach out to either Mrs. Cabel - krista.cabel@nbed.nb.ca or myself - judson.waye@nbed.nb.ca by the end of the week so we can arrange work for your child/children.  

Mr. Waye