Welcome Back - Information

Posted: September 1, 2022

School Documents to help Students and Families:

These documents are available on the quick links section of the school website. (www.drlosier.nbed.nb.ca)

  • Bell Schedule 
  • Student Handbook
  • School Supplies List


Webs of Support Day - Tuesday, September 6th

This day is for grade 6 students and the Web Leaders only.  This is not the first day of school, so no need to worry about packing all the school supplies or bring money for fees.  This is an orientation day filled with fun activities that are rooted our Webs of Support program.  We provide all the food and drinks on this day - so unless a student has dietary restriction, no need to pack food either.  We do ask that students dress comfortably, so they are able to participate in activities.  Grade 6 students should expect a call from their Web Leaders explaining most of this and to answer any questions they may have.  Students will also take their lock home with them, so they have all night to practice their combination


First Day of School, Wednesday, September 7th

This is the first day of school for all students.  There will be no staggered entry by grade level this year.  


Grade 6 students will already know their homeroom from Web day, grade 7 and 8 students will find their homeroom placement as they arrive.  All students will have an extended homeroom for most of the morning for teachers to overview the student handbook, school procedures, give students time to set up workspaces and lockers, pay their student fee.  


Student Fee

  • Parents often ask what the student fee is used for.  First, it is not used to fund sports teams nor special interest clubs like Drama.  We change separate fees for those extra-curricular events. 
  • The school charges a fee to partially cover the costs for student activities for all students (co-curricular) -  (Lockers, class field trips, School Wide Activity Days, Blue Knight and Golden Knight reward activities).  This year the student fee will be $40.  



Bus Students

Returning students should have the same transportation plan as last year.  Students who are moving up from King Street or Napan Elementary should expect to take their same bus as last year.  New students to the area or transfers should have been given bussing information. We will be giving each grade 6 student a bracelet as they arrive on Web day that has their updated Bus Info and class assignments. If any parents are unsure of bussing information please call ASD-N transportation 778-6159 or visit Bus Planner on the ASD-N website - https://asdnbp.nbed.nb.ca/Default.aspx


Drop offs/Pick Ups

Time - students can be dropped off after 7:45am.  Students begin to be dismissed for pick up after 3:10pm

Zone - Both pick up and drop off happen in the same area.  Cars will enter the JMH parking lot and take a right towards DLMS at the stop sign.  We have a one-way traffic area along the side of the school to safely receive students.  Vehicles then proceed to the stop sign, then take a right onto Vanstone Ave to exit.  Please do not use the bus loop.  

At pick up time, cars are asked to park along the yellow hashed area to accommodate as many vehicles as possible.  Students will not cross onto the throughway, they will wait on the lawn.  Please do not use the bus loop nor the staff parking at the rear of the building.  



Students who walk or bike, enter and exit school property using Vanstone Ave.  They use the cross-walk at the stop sign to enter and exit the school grounds.  


Student Athletics

Our goal is to try provide every student athlete that wants to play with an opportunity.  Depending on interest and the ability to recruit coaches, we do our best to have a team for everyone.  Soccer is the first sport on the school calendar.  We expect to field Varsity teams for both males and females.  These are competitive teams that travel throughout our district for games and participate in playoffs at the end of the season.  We also have Tier 2 and Tier 3 teams when numbers warrant.  These teams are developmental and offer all students a chance to play.  These teams usually participate in the greater Miramichi and Rexton areas based on leagues.  There will be a call late in the week for tryouts that will start on week 2 of school.   


Covid Information

Although the Government of New Brunswick no longer has mandated COVID protocols in place, we know families, students and staff are mindful about keeping our schools safe and healthy. We will continue to encourage healthy habits such as washing or sanitizing our hands frequently, staying home when we are feeling sick, and coughing into our elbows. We know that practicing these easy steps will help curb or prevent many kinds of illness, such as stomach bugs, colds, and the flu. 


Although wearing masks is no longer required, we will continue to support those students and staff who choose to wear a mask based on their level of risk or concern. Our schools will remain a welcoming, supportive, and respectful environment for everyone. 


School Documents to be sent home:

On Wednesday, September 7th, families can expect the following documents to come home with your students:

    • ASD-N Welcome Letter from Superintendent
    • Parent Permission for Media Coverage - Please return signed
    • Bus stop information memo
    • Fair Notice Letter
    • Superintendent’s info on Bussing and Covid - memo
    • DLMS Welcome Letter from Administration
    • DLMS Technology Agreement - Please return signed
    • DLMS PE Agreement - Please return signed
    • Student PowerSchool Profile - Please return signed and make any changes to student information and contact information


School Dates to Note

    • Cafeteria service start Monday, September 12 - Parents should back a bagged lunch for Week 1
    • Meet the Teacher - Thursday, September 15 - 7pm - DLMS Theatre
    • School Photos - Tuesday, September 20th.  


Communication of information

At DLMS we do not send home a Newsletter.  Instead we communicate with the DLMS Community using our school website, our social media and via email as information needs to be shared.  

Parents/guardians can expect an email from the school with any upcoming events.  Also, we shared news and information across all platforms as needed.  Please note that our social media is run by voluneteers not the school staff, all questions should be directed to school.  

  • School Website - www.drlosier.nbed.nb.ca
  • Facebook - Dr. Losier Middle School
  • Twitter - @DLMSMiramichi
  • Instagram - dr.losier_middle_school