Learning from Home week 8

Posted: May 24, 2020

Hi All,

   Welcome to week 8!  Hopefully you will all get a chance to take advantage of the beutiful weather coming our way this week.

MATH - Dreambox is still the go to resource for math.  Again, if you are having any difficulty, please reach out and I will help where I can.  Remember, you should be playing about 20 - 25 minutes a day, and try to complete each game before moving on to the next one.  A lower tech option would still be math-drills.com.  For this week, focus on Algebra.  Grade 6 should work on finding the missing number, while grade 8's can go right to solving linear equations.  For a no tech option, play a game of Make a Buck with a partner.  It plays like this:

In this game, Ace = $0.01, Two = $0.02, Three = $0.03, … Tens = $0.10, Jack = $0.11, Queen = $0.12 and King = $0.13.


To begin, shuffle the deck and deal ten cards to each player.

Players then take turns drawing and discarding one card at a time until the deck of cards is depleted or a player collects exactly $1.00.


This means it will involve a bit of logic and problem solving as kids learn to discern which cards to keep and which to discard, as well as thinking through possible ways to collect $1.00.

Finally, a new problem of the week has been posted as well as last weeks answers.

Science - This weeks science brochure is also posted on Rube Goldberg machines (think of the game Mouse Trap).  Let your imaginations run wild on this one.