Grades 6, 7, and 8 Language Arts Classes

Posted: February 17, 2017

Due Date: 

Friday, February 17, 2017

Students are reminded that they are to be working on their writing assignments at home over the next two weeks. We will continue to work on them at school, but they are also expected to work at home.

Due Dates:

Gr. 6  - Legends - We are just beginning this assignment. By end of class on Thursday, Feb. 23, they should be finished their draft. (If not, then homework.) Second draft by March 1, and final copy by March 15.

DON'T WAIT UNTIL THE END TO DO THESE! I will be collecting them to mark what is done on March 1.


Grade 7 - Memoirs - First draft is to be finished by Monday, Feb. 20. Second draft by Thursday, Feb. 23 - I'll be collecting them on that date. Final copy is due March 1!


Grade 8 - Short Stories - First draft due Monday, Feb. 20. Second draft, Thursday, Feb. 23 (I will be collecting them). Final copy is due March 1!