Posted: May 15, 2019
This is some information for parents and a reminder to students about the "Power Play Young Entrepreneurs" program.
Students were given a letter to take home for parents, explaining the program. If you did not receive a copy, please let me know as I have extra copies. This program is designed to teach students some basics about business. They are required to create a product, arrange a loan for start-up money if required, develop a prototype, do market research, produce a product, market, and sell their items during our "End-of-Year Showcase" here at the school the last week of classes.
We have been discussing some possible projects in class. Students will be making these primarily at home and may require your assistance. Lessons on developing a business plan will take place at school.
IStudents now have a little over 4 weeks remaining before the 'market' will take place. I have been asking for them to decide on a product for the past week, but have few who have actually committed to what they will be making. Here are some deadlines that must be met:
1- Tuesday, May 21st - a deciscion for product and a prototype (or a recipe, plan/blueprint) for product must be here to present in class
2- Market Research - completed and tallied by Thursday, May 23rd
3 - Product Description and Operations Plan - Friday, May 24th
4 - Money Plan and Loan Certificate - Monday, May 27th
5 - Marketing - Thursday, June 6th
6 - Deadline for products - Friday, June 14th
7 - Market - Wednesday, June 19th during the School Showcase