Posted: September 22, 2018
Parents and Students
Language Arts. Social Studies, and 21C are fully integrated for these two classes. To ensure that students are meeting the curriculum outcomes in all subjects areas we will use articles, discussions, videos, and class reading to ensure that students are making connections between these content areas. Most of our assignments will be evaluated for content in Social Studies and for reading. writing, speaking and listening skills in Language Arts.
All students should be reading both at school and at home. The research with regard to academic success and reading fluency is very convincing. Students can and should read frequently and will be offered significant amounts of time during their school day to accomplish this. However, some students may need to read at home as well to meet the goals they established in class.
Writing will serve many purposes in our classroom. We will write to help us understand our reading, to explore ideas in all subject areas, to share our ideas, and to develop skills in various styles of writing throughout the year. When students are working on a "major" writing assignment this will be posted on this page along with due dates, and criteria for success (rubrics, etc).
If you have any questions or concerns please contact me.