Posted: January 10, 2022
Good morning Knights!
Our Home Learning lessons for PE and Personal Wellness will be found on Ms. Reid and Mr. McCallum’s teacher pages. You can also use the Phys Ed teacher page for all things PE. We will be posting PE activities/exercises daily and one Personal Wellness lesson each week.
Phys Ed: Each day, we will post a stretching warm-up and a workout. You can choose your level of difficulty for each workout, resting 1 to 2 minutes between each set.
· LEVEL I (Easy): complete 3 sets
· LEVEL II (Medium): complete 5 sets
· LEVEL III (Difficult): complete 7 sets
Personal Wellness: Wednesday’s will be our Personal Wellness Day. All materials needed for the PW lesson will be posted on my teacher page. All completed work can be sent to me through email ( or via teams through the chat. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns!