Posted: January 19, 2022
Warm-Up Stretch: 2 Minute Warm-Up
Workout: "CIRI"
Just like we do in class, your assignment for Personal Wellness this week will be to watch the video linked below and fill in the Video Reflection Sheet. Don't forget to fill in the date and the title of the video: How to Create and Use a Vision Board. In the video content area, write the things that struck you about the content of the video. Try to write a minimum of three take-a-ways from this video.
Focus on making the notes for the video for today. Next week, our PW assignment will be to use our notes from our goals and from our vision board to create our own individual vision boards. Don't get a head of yourself; focus only on making the notes today!
Video: Everything About Vision Boards: How to Create and Use a Vision Board