Home Learning week of May 4th-8th

Posted: May 3, 2020

Due Date: 

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Hello friends

A reminder that all textbooks and novels should be returned when you pick up your personal items. Grade 8's can pick up their things from 9-2 on Wednesday or Thursday from 2-6.

Math- You should all be working on Dreambox. Some of you are spending a lot of time and working hard. Bravo. I am so pleased to see the progress that you are making. It sure will make a big difference when you return to school. 20 minutes a day or more would be great.

If you want a change from computer-based work, work on timetables. Some of you need to practice, especially the 7's and 8's. They are always the tricky ones that everyone gets wrong. You should also practice dividing. Long division is something you should practice. Make your self some long divisions with two numbers as the divisor. Those take longer. 

How about a game of cards. Any game where you have to add numbers. 

Problem of the week. Did you try last week's problem of the week? I have enclosed last week's problem with the solution and a new problem to work on. 

Science- This week we are looking at Bird Behavior- courtship, parental care, feather care, and so on. Look at the slide show about bird behavior. There are lots of cool videos to watch. Learn what the different sounds mean. Birds do talk to each other. Go to https://www.birds.cornell.edu/k12/science-nature-activities-for-cooped-u... and look for week 7 Bird behavior. Also learn about feathers. It's such a cool site.

This week the ASD-N STEM team has provided and activity on Melting Ice Cubes. See the attached flyer. Your challenge this week is to melt an ice cube without adding heat. I'd love to see what you do. Remember to only change one variable. Let me know how you make out. Try many different things and show us your results.

Personally I might try to make rock candy. Lots of ideas on the flyer. 

Happy learning and remember to share what you do. I can be reached by email or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/stem.squire.3