Learning from home

Posted: April 6, 2020

Due Date: 

Monday, April 6, 2020


Dear Parents and Students


It has been 3 weeks now since we have been in school. Can hardly believe it. We will be beginning our learning from home options this week. Parents need not stress; we do not want to overwhelm anyone. Our school is turning to an online Math program called Dream Box. This is designed to keep students math skill current and at grade level. Our class need not worry about being behind. We have been working hard all year, this will give you some practice on skills you should be able to do. Parents will need to email me at marielouise.squire@nbed.nb.ca to get a password and log in. This will be ready soon to get everyone started.


I am providing a Science site that provides activities for students of all ages. Many of you have younger siblings at home. You can help them navigate this site and do activities with you. There is even a family quest if you so desire. The site is https://www.birds.cornell.edu/k12/science-nature-activities-for-cooped-up-kids/


We can share our discoveries and questions together.


I am setting up a Facebook page for our class to participate and share what we have been doing. If you choose not to participate, I will not be upset. I just thought some of you might like to share and see what everyone else is doing. Please go to https://www.facebook.com/stem.squire.3 and send me a friend request.


If you need my assistance send me an email, or once you get to our Facebook page send me a message. I miss you all and hope that everyone is safe and well.


Les amis j’espère que tu passes ton temps avec des choses constructives. Pas trop de jeux vidéo ou les TikToks. J’espère que tu vas joindre notre groupe sur Facebook pour voir qu’est-ce qu’on fait à la maison. J’aurais un nouveau message a chaque semaine ici, alors fait sur de vérifier chaque lundi. (There will be a new message here every Monday).