April 12th-17th Learning from home

Posted: April 13, 2020

Hope you had a good weekend with your family.

This is week 2 of Learning from home. If you have not already emailed me for your Math log in to Dreambox please do at marielouise.squire@nbed.nb.ca.  If you have any questions along the way send me a message and I'll try to find the answer to your problem.

Math- This week everyone should have logged on to Dreambox and started that process. For those who have limited access to the internet15-20 minutes a day is a good start. I also thought that I would supply everyone with a Problem of the week. As time goes on we may increase that to everyday, but lets see how this goes. The answer will be posted on Friday.

Science- This week we are looking at Week 4 at https://www.birds.cornell.edu/k12/science-nature-activities-for-cooped-u...

The topic this week is Life cycles Birds growing up. Take a look at the slideshow. It contains lots of fun information on matching birds with their parents. If you have the time look at the Bird Cams they are really neat. Watch birds in realtime in their nests. If you have no access to this site try this activity with your siblings or parents  at home.

It's called the Hungry Bird Challenge.

Materials Needed

“Bugs” (dry beans, pennies, or dry rice)

2 Bowls

Try It!

Place your bugs in one bowl and place the empty bowl across the room or yard. That is your “nest.”

You have a nest full of hungry nestlings! How many “bugs” can you deliver to the nest in 1 minute?

What do you think it is like to be a bird parent who might deliver over 6000 bugs in 14 days?

You can also try another activity from this weeks ASD-N STEM team. Growing plants without soil-Hydroponics. See poster in documents sections on this page. Could be fun if you have any beans or seeds at home. Lots of ideas for you and your siblings.

You can also join our facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/stem.squire.3

Happy learning.