Posted: November 10, 2009
November is going to be a very busy month here at DLMS. Here are some of the things happening over the next few weeks.
November 16-20th- Anti Bullying Week
There will be events throughout the week to raise awareness and to prevent bullying.
November 16th- Home and School Policy 701 Training
Volunteers and community members are invited to attend. Training will start at7pm . This is a 75 minute session. We look forward to seeing you all there.
November 17th- PSSC Meeting
The PSSC Meeting will begin at 6:15pm at DLMS.
November 19th- Pledge for Peace
Everyone at Dr. Losier is asked to wear blue today to represent the commitment we have made to end bullying.
November 19th- WEB Crew Grade 6 Girls Night
There will be fun and games planned for the grade 6 girls by their WebLeaders. We hope all the girls can be there. It is going to be a great evening.
November 26th- WEB Crew Grade 6 Boys Night
There will be fun and games planned for the grade 6 boys by their WebLeaders. We hope all the boys can be there. It is going to be a great evening.
November 27- 28th- Miramichi Middle School Hoops Classic
This tournament includes six teams from around the province. There will be great basketball action to be seen. So come out to support our Knights. The tournament schedule is posted on our website.