Posted: October 31, 2014
These are the items we are looking to fill our Boxes to Send to our Canadian Troops for Christmas.
Need to Have:
Small pkgs of Kleenex $5 to buy Tim Hortons products
Power Bars Medicated Foot Powder + Medicated Foot Spray
M&Ms (the only chocolate that won’t melt)
Sunscreen (high coverage) Medicated Lip Balm
Werthers Candy Microwave Popcorn
Wet Wipes Gum
Hand Sanitizer Playing cards, puzzle books
Beef Jerky Canadian Magazines (Bread N’Molasses)
Peanut Butter
Nice to Have:
Small writing pads + pen and/or pencil DVD Movies/Series (Used or New)
Feminine Hygiene products Novels
Homemade Fudge
Thank you for your support