Posted: September 16, 2015
Dear Parents,
Welcome back to another great year at Dr. Losier
Middle School.
This is the time of
year when we all pitch in to run our fund raising campaign. The money raised will be used for many
projects and activities that occur at the school.
This year
we’ll be selling cookie dough from QSP. We’re offering 15 selections of frozen
cookie dough at a great price of $15 each! Lots of great varieties to choose
from while supporting our school at the same time! We earn 40% profit if we
sell more than 336 tubs! That’s just 2 or 3 tubs for every family to sell (or
purchase if you wish). Cookies come in tubs and many also come in ready-to-bake
pre-portioned boxes.
Please look at the choices in the attached brochure, fill
out the order form, keep the pink and return white & yellow to the school
when you are finished selling. This is an easy order process and ANYONE can
help support like parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, neighbours,
co-workers, etc.! We are collecting the
money for the sale up front and ask that you return all money to the school
with your order forms. Make sure the order form is legible! Every dollar
we raise is important and will go to benefit the students.
The official start date is “September 21st”
and the official completion date is “October 5th”. Please keep all
orders forms in the collection envelope provided. Please make all checks
payable to Dr. Losier Middle School.
Thank you for your continued support!
David Cripps-Vice Principal