Posted: March 1, 2017
In 1997, our school district started hosting international students through Atlantic Education International. For the past 20 years, we have hosted children from many parts of the world. We continue to grow this program more and more each year and we are always looking for new host families. Most middle school children come from Colombia for eight to twelve weeks. We also host from Mexico. This year we have one girl who has been here since September and will stay until the school year is done. One other boy came at the end of January and he is here for a term.
These children bring with them many talents, a lot of appreciation and respect for their host families and huge love for our beautiful country. In fact, by the end of their stay they often don’t want to return home. They always want to stay here in Canada because of the people and their warm and loving generosity and support.
In March we will have seven Grade 6 boys come from Colombia for twelve weeks. All of them have been placed in host families. We are now starting to look for placements for our middle school girls who will come here in September for 8-12 weeks.
If you have ever considered hosting an international student, and have any questions I would only be too happy to hear from you. They not only explore a new world in our beloved country, Canada but they also open up a bigger world to our own children. Our schools love to host these children.
For further information please contact myself.
We would love to grow this wonderful program and with your help we can do so.
Kim McAllister
Home-Stay Coordinator
Atlantic Education International