Posted: June 6, 2014
Congratulations to the 12 grade 8 students who were awarded White Knight status! These students were celebrated with a dinner and award Thursday evening at the Portage Restaurant. We thank these amazing individuals for their commitment and contributions to the Dr. Losier Middle School community over their years with us. We wish them all the best as they head to high school. We will miss them, but know that they will enjoy high school and will make great contributions! Thank you to Mr. Wesley Cabel and the Portage Restaurant for their support of this event.l-r back row: Shafkat Ahmed, Trever Court, Mirren Trevors, Abbie Kingston, Makayla Moran, Maggie Gibson, Megan Moran, Madelyn Frostl-r front row: Christien Dickson, Mandy McLean, Hanna Dunn, Emily Larkin