Mr. Richard

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: May 3, 2020

Hi Everyone,

   I hope you are all doing well.  Here are this weeks learning opportunites:

MATH  - For math, Dreambox is still the recommendation.  I see that a lot of you are working on this and that is great.  Remember, about 20 minutes a day should do.  If you are really stuck on something, don't be afraid to reach out.  For lower tech options, go to and do some work with order of operations.  Grade 6 should just do the basic operations (no integers or fractions), while grade 8 can try any of the problems.  You can also challenge a sibling (or parent ;) ) to a little multiplication challenge with a deck of cards.  Grade 8's can up the challenge by making all red cards negative.  There is also a problem of the week on graphing posted.

SCIENCE - Spring is a time for new growth and warmer temperatures.  Scientists also see this as a time to study climate change through the melting of icebergs. Icebergs are large pieces of floating ice in the sea which have broken off from larger ice structures such as glaciers or ice shelves.  They are common in the Spring when ice begins to melt.
Your challenge is to conduct an investigation to determine the fastest way to melt ice cubes without adding heat. Be sure to only change one thing and control your variables!   You can find more information in the attached STEM document.

*** If you are coming to pick up your belongings on Monday (grade 6) or Wednesday (grade 8) PLEASE check your bookbags for your math textbook.  If you have it at home, please send it in along with any library books, class novels, or school uniforms. ***

That's it for this week.  My personal goal is to break my personal streak of never catching a bass (I swear they know when I am coming and swim away).  If anybody has any luck (or suggestions where to go) feel free to send me some pics!

Mr. Richard

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Posted: April 27, 2020

Hi Everyone,

   I hope all well with you and that you found a way to take advantage of the awesome weather we had this past weekend.  Here are some options for you for this week.

Math - Your options for math this week are as follows.  The hi-tech option is still Dreambox math.  I see a lot of you are trying this which is great.  If you get stuck on anything, do not hesitate to send me an email.  The website is  If you have not emailed me for your username and password yet, please do so.  You can send the email to .  A low tech option would be  This week, focus on Long Divsion.  Clicking on this link, will send to to some good practice pages for this   Finally, for the no-tech option, you can play a card game called Rule of 24.  Here is how it works - Each player is dealt 4 cards from the deck and they must use all four cards to create an equation with a solution of 24 using the four basic operations (+ , -, x, /).  This is a great game that encourages use of all four operations plus brackets and the use of BEDMAS.

I  have also posted this weeks Math problem of the week.  Feel free to send me your responses.

Science - Upcycling is taking a product or material that you would generally throw away and turning it into something new and useful.  This helps keep non-biodegradable junk out of landfills and our ocean.  Find out some info on a Circular Economy on the link below.  
Your challenge is to find some items around your home that are broken or no longer being used and create something new! 

There is more information available at:

The Circular Economy 

Have a great week and stay safe!

Mr. Richard

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Posted: April 20, 2020

Hi Everyone,

   I hope you are all doing well and hopefully you are taking advantage of some of the nice weather we have been having to get outside.

Math - Your options for math this week are as follows.  The hi-tech option is Dreambox math.  The website is  If you have not emailed me for your username and password yet, please do so.  You can send the email to .  A low tech option would be  The focus for this week should be on multi-digit multiplication (examples - 23 x 6, 34 x 23, 432 x 54).  Alternatively, you could use dice to work on your math facts.  Roll the dice and multiply the numbers that come up.  If you happen to have any 12 sided or 20 sided dice in a board game at home, use those so you can get more challenging questions.

This weeks problem of the week and the answers to last week are attached to this post.

Science - This weeks science is all about wind and wind power.  The challenge is to build an anemometer to measure wind speed and direction.  You can find more information at

and some building tips here:

Have a great week and feel free to email me if you need anything.

Mr. Richard



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Posted: April 14, 2020

Hi Everyone,

   Welcome to week 2 of home learning.  I hope that everything is going well.


The Hi-Tech option for math is Dreambox.  The username and passwords are now available and you just have to send me an email to get it.  The site is .  If access to Dreambox is an issue, the site has tons of worksheets available to print.  For this week, focus on multi-digit addition and subtraction with re-grouping (carrying and borrowing for the parents reading this).  If no tech is available, grab a deck of cards and use them for multiplication practice.

Math Problem of the Week - I have attached a file to this called problem of the week.  Feel free to try it and send me your answers.


This weeks Science challenge involves growing plants without soil:

Did you know you could grow a garden without soil?  This is called hydroponics.  Growing plants hydroponically helps gardeners and farmers grow more food faster, in any season, and in smaller places, like your home. 
Your challenge is to grow something in a mason jar or plastic bottle without soil.

More information can be found at:

on this document, the grade 6 - 8 information can be found on page 3.

Have fun everyone, and if you have any questions, please email me and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Mr. Richard

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Posted: April 9, 2020

Hi All,

   Dreambox is now up and running.  Just send me a email at and I well send back your user name and password.

Have a great Easter Weekend

Mr. Richard

Posted: April 7, 2020

Hi Everyone,

   I know that alot of you are anxious to get started with the Dreambox math software, but we are having some technical difficulties at the moment.  There is an issue with the student passwords not working.  The company is aware of it and is working on fixing the issue.  As soon as we get the word that things are working, we will let you know.


Thank you for your patience,

Mr. Richard

Posted: April 6, 2020

Hey everyone, I have attached a letter to this outlining our plan to home learning.

File welcome_to_home_learning.docx14.21 KB

Posted: May 22, 2019

Grade 8 Unit test on Algebra

  • Solve linear equations using algebra
  • Solve linear equations with fractions using algebra
  • Use the distributive property to solve linear equations

Due Date: 

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Posted: April 26, 2019

6C will write the unit test on Angles on Tuesday, April 30th.  Topics covered:

  • Identifying Angles - Acute, Obtuse, Right, Straight, Reflex
  • Measuring angles with a protractor
  • Drawing angles
  • Angles in a triangle (must add up to 180)
  • Angles in a quadrilateral (must add up to 360)


Due Date: 

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Posted: February 19, 2019

Fraction Unit Test tomorrow

  • Multiplying fractions with and without a model
  • Multiplying Mixed Numbers
  • Dividing fractions with and without a model
  • Dividing Mixed Numbers
  • Solving Fraction problems (add, subtract, multiply, divide)
  • Order of Operations with Fractions

Due Date: 

Wednesday, February 20, 2019



Grade 6 Math - Term 3 outcomes
Grade 7 Science Term 3 outline
Grade 7 term 2 outline