How are we doing Knights?

Posted: April 14, 2020

Week 1 of Learning From Home is in the books.  I know that we had some bumps in the road getting access to Dreambox and understanding our new set of expectations, but we should ready to roll.  I really enjoyed viewing the posts that families have made with our social media sites and now one on one with classroom teachers.  I encourage everyone to share, it makes us all smile when see how great your products are.  By now, everyone should have been contacted by an anchor.  We will continue to reach out weekly to support families, so please let your anchor know how to best connect with you.  For the students that I have been connecting with I am eager to hear about your Easter bunny stories.  I will be sharing my adventures of getting a haircut from home and our adventure of clipping our dog Odie.

Finally, I want to let all of the Knight community know that you can reach me by email ( or on social media (judson waye - facebook, @judsonwaye on Twitter) if you ever have a question, comment or feedback for the school.  

Just an FYI - The staff has some plans cooked up that we are excited to share with you in the near future.