Posted: May 7, 2016
Just reposting so all will see this. Changes in bold. Show week!!!!!!!!!!
Those transitions between shows will be effortless with a few more run throughs. Review your lines and keep working on your volume. Practice more than you have ever practiced until Monday. We need EVERYONE for these scheduled practices in order to be successful. *Bring in your costume if you had one at home.*
***Please start baking for our bake sale the night of the show.***
May 9- EVERYONE full practice until 5:00
May 10- Dress rehearsal and show for the school in afternoon.
May 11- Full practice until 4: 30 for EVERYONE
May 12- Public presentation of show at 7:00. Students may just stay until the show begins. Students can bring in $2 or pizza and bring their own drink.
May 15- Practice in the afternoon and loading of props and costumes. 4-6?
Please email me ASAP if Sunday is a conflict so we can make it work.