Homework for Mrs. Frost

Posted: May 7, 2016

7F-   READ 30 minutes.  Reading response will be returned on Monday.  Next one due on Thursday.  Can you remember "Rappin' Grammar"? AAAWWUBBIS?   We will be reviewing these helpful tools next week.

6V-  READ 20 minutes. Reading response due on Wednesday. Vocabulary collector is overdue for some of you!  Finish for Monday. Word study continues.

8F-  Brent Sherrard is coming to share his writing and life experiences! Wonderful to have another local author with us.   Holes novel projects are AMAZING!  Tuesday we will wrap them up...in others be ready to present.   Later in the week we will switch up our classes one last time to embrace a persuasive and debate unit.  Get ready to argue(respectfully, that is)!