Week of Feb. 26, 2012

Posted: February 26, 2012

Continue reading and recording. Students have been working on improving their sentence structure.  They are replacing the standard  “subject + verb” beginning with more interesting ones. By beginning a sentence with a transition, verb form, preposition, or adverb, sentences are transformed from simple ones to sophisticated ones.  Review your notes and examples in your reading log. Your fourth reading letter should be posted on the class blog by now.  The drafts, peer edits and final copy of your current story is due on Thursday.  All these parts should be submitted together.   Free Choice Story Rubric                                      Ideas- focused, showing details- see, hear and feel it                                                                        Organization- great hook, logical flow, satisfying conclusion, paragraphs Word choice- 3 memorable moments (comparisons, analogies), strong verbs that reveal emotionSentence fluency-  4 sophisticated sentences, varied beginnings which should mean 4-5 transitions a page, varied types of sentences- questions and exclamations as well as statements   Conventions-  apply the five rules to avoid “comma omissions”, capitals, sentences instead of fragments