Welcome Back! I have missed you so.

Posted: April 6, 2020

Hi everyone!

It has been three weeks of sheltering at home.  I really miss all of you!  I have often wondered how and what you are doing to pass the time as we all adjust to this strange new world of ours.  I was so glad to see so many of you participate in Virtual Spirit Week. It really made me miss your smiling faces, jokes, dance moves and stories all the more.

One goal this week is to check-in and maintain connections. I am so very glad that each student will receive a phone call from a teacher!  You may contact me on Facebook or through my teacher page under Learning from Home. My email is Tanya.frost@nbed.nb.ca   All DLMS teachers’ emails are available under staff on the school’s website.

Our second goal to provide some activities to enhance your learning. Each of your subject teachers will post on his/her teacher page with a weekly assignment for your class. This assignment may have a link to the document tab or web links tab for additional support.

My assignments for English will be posted every Monday by 10:00 a.m.   I will have suggestions for maintaining French skills, too.   

Looking forward to hearing from you,                                                                                                        

Mrs. Frost

P.S.  Stay home, wash your hands often, don’t touch your face, and social distance.