Posted: April 28, 2020

This week I would like you to try this interactive reading site that is linked above.  This will allow our class to read articles, chat about our responses and provide you with quick feedback on comprehension! By answering in the student response section, we can blog together about the topic. The comments submitted will only be seen by our class.

In order to participate, you will need your own login/password to get started. Since my class is small and AMAZING; I will either call you or email you your password. The assignment is on our class page, Mrs. Frost's English class, when you log on to the site. 

Please, contact me if you have any comments or questions at 

Enjoy your new family bubble and outdoor parks! Playgrounds are still closed.  Remember to be safe: social distance, cover cough with sleeve and wash hands frequently.

Look forward to hearing from you,

Mrs. Frost