French 6S, 6/7V, 8D

Posted: December 11, 2017

Due Date: 

Monday, December 11, 2017

This is nothing new, students must read 15 minutes in French tonight. They must read at least 3 times a week in French at home. I encourage that they also read in French during silent reading every morning in class. They must also complete a short reading log. I showed them exactly what my expectations are today for the entrees. Here is the information I want to see in their reading scribbler:



Titre du livre:

Les pages lues:

Un bref résumé des pages lues (2-3 phrases):


In case of storm days, I still expect this task to be completed. They should keep their French novel in their book bag at all times. 

Have a great evening :)

-Mme Stewart