Posted: April 28, 2020
Home Learning Week 4
Math – Dreambox is still the way to go! I’m very proud of everyone who has logged on to try and chip away at strengthening their Math skills. Bravo!
If you have not emailed me for your username and password yet, please do so. You can send the email to
Science – All this talk of “bubble families” combined with the nice weather outside, got me thinking about actual BUBBLES. I found this cool video on the Science of bubbles, along with some homemade activities you could do at home. You can find lots of activities on the website, my personal fave is the square bubble! If you try any of these, I would love to see any pictures or videos. Feel free to email me your attempts, and if you get the dish soap out, you may as well wash some dishes while you’re at it!
ASDN Weekly STEM Challenge -
WIshing you all a famtastic week.
Madame Turner