Ms. Turner


Posted: January 10, 2022

Dear parents and students,

I hope you all enjoyed your break! For the next few weeks (from January 11th to 21st) we will be learning online, beyond that is still uncertain. DLMS will be running a temporary online schedule. Your homeroom teacher should have posted your online, condensed schedule, on their teacher page. Please note that the schedule consists of six core subjects in the morning and Physical Wellness/Independent Reading in the afternoon. The schedule has been shortened to six 30 minute classes in the morning with 2 breaks, a lunch break and then the afternoon reading and wellness schedule.  

For the duration of online learning, I will be using Microsoft Teams as my teaching platform for Math. Following your schedule, you will be required to join in on a class call with me during your scheduled class. The call invitation has been sent to you through Teams and you will be able to find it through your Class Team and/or your Teams Calendar. We will all meet in a Teams call at the beginning of each Math class and then you will be given independent time to work on your Math and I will be online and available during the rest of that scheduled class to answer questions and help out however I can.

How do I hand in my Math work to be assessed? When you finish a page, you can use Independent Study or Math Block to send me your Math. To do so: You should take a picture of EACH page separately and ensure that the PAGE NUMBERS and QUESTION NUMBERS are at the top of EACH page, in EACH picture that you send. I will look it over, offer any corrections to be made, and if everything is good to go, I will mark you down as virtually signed off on that page. You should be sending me EACH page as your complete them. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to message me on Teams or to my email:

See you all tomorrow!

Madame Turner

Posted: November 1, 2021

Good morning Knights! 

Today is the first day of Home Learning! 

Homeroom: Check the 6T Homeroom Team on Microsoft Teams.

Math Students: Check on the Math Teams group for more information. 

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

Madame Turner

Due Date: 

Monday, November 1, 2021

Posted: June 10, 2020

Hi Knights, 

This is the final week of Home Learning! We’ve all MADE IT!

DreamBox: Continue working on the assignments laid out for you!

ASD-N STEAM Weekly Challenge 10: This weeks ASD-N's STEAM Challenge will (hopefully) keep you a float! The guidelines for this week's challenge are attached below. Don't forget to tag @stemnorth on twitter, @STEAMASDN on facebook with your pictures, videos or comments or send your pictures and videos to me at

Science: The world has changed so much in the last few months, many places saw drastic changes to the environment around them. Before watching the following video, what are some things that you can think of that improved with mass populations isolated, what are some things that got worse? Feel free to email your thoughts!


Best of luck finishing the year strong!

Madame Turner

Posted: June 2, 2020

Learning From Home - Week 9

Hello June! We've made it to the last month of this school year! Next week is our last week for our Learning From Home Weeks.  

DreamBox: As always, try and keep your skills strong, I would love to hear via email how you've been doing. Did you learn any neat Math concepts lately? What did you discover is "easier than you thought, or "harder than you thought"? Anything that you really worked hard, wanted to quit but you think you finally got the hang of? Anything surprising with the lessons or concepts?

Keep up the great work Knights!

ASD-N STEAM Weekly Challenge 8: This weeks ASD-N's STEAM Challenge may have your drooling......and hungry..... Don't forget to tag @stemnorth on twitter, @STEAMASDN on facebook with your pictures, videos or comments or send your pictures and videos to me at

Science: Have the bugs and mosquitos been as bad at your house as they have been at mine? Taking the garbage out has me trying to lug the heavy bags as fast as I can to get away from the buzzing of mosquitos. I also wonder why my friend and I can both go outside and the bugs buzz constantly around me to the point my arms whipping around look like I'm trying to fly away, and my friend hasn't even noticed the bugs?!? I found this article, and although I can't be certain this is the only reason why they swarm, it would be an interesting STEM fair project to do if we had mosquitos during Stem Fair Season.... Check out the link: and let me know what your experience has been and what you think about this article. 

Hope you're all having a fabulous week, and that the storm of mosquitos and bugs stay away!

Madame Turner

Posted: May 27, 2020

We have some sunny weather this week, and thankfully a bit of rain to help with forest fires!

DreamBox: Continue working on your lessons, don't give up if it gets difficult, just reach out by email and I will do my best to help guide you through it virtually.

Science: With numerous forest fires in the areas, I did some research about forest fires and thought I would share a couple sites with you. Things I learned: What a crown fire is and a tornado fire, both are quite interesting.  Check out what those things are and more, in the two links below.

ASD-N STEAM Weekly Challenge This weeks ASD-N's STEAM Challenge Rube Goldberg for the win this week - I just love watching the machines unravel, read all about it in this weeks flyer!

Until next week Knights,

Madame Turner

Posted: May 19, 2020

Learning From Home - Week 7

Hello everyone!

Hope everyone has checked out that weather this week, we finally have some sun our way!

DreamBox: I've noticed many of you really clocking in the hours on Dreambox - AH-MAY-ZING job Knights!!! Very proud of you all! Feel free to msg me if you have any questions, or if you have not yet received your login information.

ASDN Weekly Challenge 7:

Science East has put out a fun activity to do. You can do it on paper too but if you're out in the sun, it's a fun way to enjoy the weather and get your thinking cap on! Feel free to send me any pictures of your activities this week, including this one! 


Image preview


Miss you all so much, 


Madame Turner

Posted: May 12, 2020

Math – Great job working on your Math skills on Dreambox! These skills will be strengthened and you'll be prepared to continue to grow these skills when we get together again!

If you have not emailed me for your username and password yet, please do so.  You can send the email to


Science – Aligning with the ASDN Weekly STEM challenge below, I came across this video about water. I was surprised at some of the statistics she gave but found the whole thing to be very interesting! Here's the video:

ASDN Weekly STEM Challenge - 

Hope you enjoy the week and looks to be calling for some sunny days in the forcast - finally!!!

Madame Turner

Posted: May 5, 2020

Math – Dreambox is still the way to go! I’m very proud of everyone who has logged on to try and chip away at strengthening their Math skills. Bravo!

If you have not emailed me for your username and password yet, please do so.  You can send the email to


Science – Aligning with the ASDN Weekly STEM challenge, check out this page that gives all sorts of easily explained details surrounding climate change. Try and take one thing away from the site that you didn't already know.

ASDN Weekly STEM Challenge -

Hope you enjoy the week (and that we don's see snow again until the winter),

Madame Turner

Posted: April 28, 2020

Home Learning Week 4


Math – Dreambox is still the way to go! I’m very proud of everyone who has logged on to try and chip away at strengthening their Math skills. Bravo!

If you have not emailed me for your username and password yet, please do so.  You can send the email to


Science – All this talk of “bubble families” combined with the nice weather outside, got me thinking about actual BUBBLES. I found this cool video on the Science of bubbles, along with some homemade activities you could do at home. You can find lots of activities on the website, my personal fave is the square bubble! If you try any of these, I would love to see any pictures or videos. Feel free to email me your attempts, and if you get the dish soap out, you may as well wash some dishes while you’re at it!

ASDN Weekly STEM Challenge -

WIshing you all a famtastic week. 

Madame Turner


Image Galleries

Added: Wed, Apr 22 2020


Here is your schedule for Online Learning starting Tuesday, January 11, 2022.