Home Learning Week 5

Posted: May 5, 2020

Math – Dreambox is still the way to go! I’m very proud of everyone who has logged on to try and chip away at strengthening their Math skills. Bravo! https://play.dreambox.com/login/knjs/aaj2

If you have not emailed me for your username and password yet, please do so.  You can send the email to lindsay.turner@nbed.nb.ca


Science – Aligning with the ASDN Weekly STEM challenge, check out this page that gives all sorts of easily explained details surrounding climate change. Try and take one thing away from the site that you didn't already know. https://climatekids.nasa.gov/climate-change-meaning/

ASDN Weekly STEM Challenge - http://drlosier.nbed.nb.ca/sites/drlosier.nbed.nb.ca/files/noteattach//y2020/May/asdn_weekly_steam_issue_5_grade_6_-8.pdf

Hope you enjoy the week (and that we don's see snow again until the winter),

Madame Turner