Parent - Teacher interviews will take place at Dr. Losier Middle School on Thursday, November 19th from 4:30 - 6:30 and on Friday, November 20th from 9:00 - 11:30. All interviews will take place in the gymnasium. Students will be bringing home report cards on Wednesday, November 18th. We look forward to meeting with you on Thursday or Friday.
On November 6th Students prepared and wrapped 61 boxes to be delivered to Soldiers overseas at Christmas. We want to thank parents, students and staff who helped make this possible again this year. Our school provided half the boxes that are going to be delivered. It was a very worthy and rewarding project for our students.
A small group of students are challenged to spread happiness throughout our school and community. Our first project was "positive posties" around the mirror in the girls washroom. Several of these messages were well received and many girls left with a pocket full of happy quotes! Keep it up team!
Thank you to our DLMS community for a terrific festival week from Oct. 26th -Oct. 30. Good participation was seen in the teacher scramble, mummy wrap, pumpkin and door decorating. Check out the pictures in the gallery!
SURVEY ON CHILD CARE SERVICES IN NEW BRUNSWICK Parents and guardians are invited to complete an online survey on child care in New Brunswick as part of the public consultation being conducted by the Child Care Sector Task Force. The survey is available at : The survey will remain online until Nov.
Parents: Join us at an open house on Tuesday, October 27 in Miramichi to learn more about New Brunswick’s education system and add your voice in shaping our educational future and developing a 10-year education plan. The open house is an informal event where you can drop in at your convenience to get more information on our current education system. You will have an opportunity to ask questions and leave your comments on what you think the 10-year education plan should include. No presentations will be made during the open house.
The students of Dr. Losier would like to thank You for your support in our annual cookie dough campaign. The cookie dough is scheduled to arrive on November 12th. It will be distributed to the students late in the afternoon. If your son/daughter has a large amount, I would encourage you to pick them up on this date.
Any grade 7 and 8 student who would like to be in the picture at NBCC for the Boxes for Soldiers, is asked to wear red on friday. We shall be walking over to NBCC at 12:10 and returning once the picture is taken.
Anglophone North School District Education Council will be holding a
public engagement session to discuss the 10-year
education plan. The session will be held on Thursday, October 29, at
Gretna Green Elementary School, from 7:00-8:30 p.m. Community members
are encouraged to attend.
We offer a big thank you to Big Brothers/Big Sisters MIramichi for their generous donation to our school breakfast program. We are very pleased that through this donation we will be able to offer a variety of healthy breakfasts to all of our students. Thank you! :)