Mrs. Gallant - Archived 2024 Notes

Welcome To Our Page


Posted: November 1, 2021

Hi everyone!

Hope you had a great Halloween weekend and are getting ready for home learning. Over the coming days I will be posting links to some Math videos that will support students' learning. Many of my 'Mathletics Crew' have had some difficulty with factoring so we will begin there. Stay tuned for more videos throughout the week! 

If you have questions or need support with your home learning please feel free to reach out to me via email:

Take care,

Mrs. Gallant

Posted: June 2, 2020

Hi everyone, 

Can you believe it is June already? We have just two weeks left of home learning. I am curious to know how you feel home learning is going. Do you like being home or would you rather be in school? What are the pros and cons for each? 

My own children would tell you that some pros of being home is doing your school work in your pajamas and having unlimited snack breaks! Cons would be their mom making them work just as hard on their school work and even assigning chores! Poor kiddos!

Send me a quick email and let me know how you've been:  

Can't wait to hear from you! Enjoy the day. :) 

Mrs. Gallant 

While cursive writing is no longer in our curriculum, it is still an incredibly important skill. Many people still write in cursive, and if you don't know it, you may not be able to read their message. (Many of my students were unable to read my feedback to them because it was in cursive writing!) 

If you don't have time (or interest) in learning to write the entire alphabet in cursive, you should still learn to sign your first and last name. There are a variety of times you will need to sign your signature when you are older, including:

  • driver's license
  • work documents
  • buying a car
  • buying a house
  • signing your marriage certificate

Use these websites to download and print some worksheets to practice signing your signature:

Northland Prep:

Handwriting Worksheets:

Worksheets Works:


Posted: April 27, 2020

It is so important that you continue reading for at least 30 minutes daily.

Reading has so many benefits:

  • strengthens the brain
  • increases empathy
  • builds vocabulary
  • prevents cognitive decline (keeps your brain from slowing down)
  • reduces stress
  • aids sleep
  • alleviates depression (keeps you from becoming sad)
  • lengthens lifespan (helps you live longer, imagine!)
  • alleviates boredom! 
  • helps you learn new things

If you don't have much to read at home (or are looking to try new books), try exploring these FREE websites:



Many Books:

Fun Brain:


NB Public Library:


Raz Kids:

Thank you to Mrs. Coughlan for compliling this awesome list for our PLC! 


Do you have a hard time grasping fractions? Have you ever tried baking? Baking is a wonderful way to learn the concept of fractions and to practice working with them!

**Just make sure you check with your parents/guardians first, as ovens can be very hot and we don't want anyone getting hurt. **

Here is my very favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe, which I have been using to practice my fractions since I was TEN! 

  • Preheat your oven to 375 degrees. 
  •  Cream together: 1 cup shortening, 3/4 cup white sugar, 3/4 cup brown sugar
  • Add in: 2 large eggs, 1 tbsp vanilla (I always add a small splash more ;)
  • Mix in: 2 1/4 cups flour (which is actually just 3/4 cup used three times=less cleaning!), 1 tsp baking soda, 3/4 tsp salt
  • Finally: Add a lot of chocolate chips! (usually a cup or more, decide when you're mixing) I use semi-sweet chocolate chips. 

Bake in 375 degree oven for about ten minutes. When the edges are golden brown take them out and leave them on the pan so the middle cooks a bit more. They will be chewy on the inside and slightly crunchy on the outside. Share with your family! 

Please send me a pic of you in the kitchen:



Posted: April 6, 2020

Hello students & parents/guardians,

I want to start by saying how much I miss you all and really wish we could be spending the final few months of school together. I had big plans to work with some of you and transition others to the high school. While all of this is completely out of our control, know that I am thinking of you every day and hope you are well.  

Your teachers have been very busy creating activities for you and they have each posted on their teacher pages; check them out! 

If you are part of the Reflex Math group that was started in January, you still have access to Reflex until the end of June. If you’ve misplaced your login please reach out to me at and I’d be happy to set you up. Reflex works best when used at least 3 times per week, until you get your green light each time. Taking this time to learn your facts will make a big difference in your Math learning in the future!

As always, if you need some extra help or a little chat, reach out, I am here for you! I will be making some phone calls in the next couple of days and look forward to chatting with some of you. If you are not on my list and would like a phone call, email me and I’d be happy to reach out!

Take care and stay healthy,


Mrs. Gallant


Posted: September 18, 2018

Hello! My name is Mrs. Gallant and this year I am teaching Grade 6Keating Post Intensive French (PIF), Grade 6/7LeBlanc English Language Arts, and I'm also the school's Resource teacher. If you have any questions for me, email is always the best way to reach me: You can also call the school at 778-6077. 

I will be posting long range plans and important assignments on this page. I do not generally assign much homework to the PIF class (as the bulk of what we are doing is oral speaking) but do ask that all of my English students are reading for a minimum of 20 minutes per night. We will not be using reading logs but I be conferencing with students on what they are reading each week. I look forward to working with these two great classes this year!