Posted: May 7, 2020
Landon has been tearing it up, renovating his house and building projects for his family and friends. Well done Landaon!
Posted: May 7, 2020
Landon has been tearing it up, renovating his house and building projects for his family and friends. Well done Landaon!
Posted: April 18, 2020
Your projects looks great Landon. It's good to see the square : ) I know you buillt a workbench too (your mom's Facebook), do you have any pictures of it's construction? If you do, send them along. Keep them coming!
Posted: April 16, 2020
Nick Poirier's bird house that he built with his dad. Looks awesome Nick, thank you for sending it along. You did a great job!
Posted: April 8, 2020
Landon the problem solver.
*Identify problem: Drills & drivers falling off the shelf, tablels, and no central location for storage of drills/drivers and thier accessories.
*Research tool storage solutions, (In this case Landon used Google).
*Pick a solution, gather...
Posted: April 7, 2020
Hello everyone. As we launch our DLMS Shop online, what I would like is for students to email me some pictures of their projects from home that I can post on our site here. They do not have to be things they made in the shop here at school...they don't even have to be woodworking projects. ...