Ms Coughlan

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: February 8, 2018

Please note that the Olympics celebrations that were scheduled for tomorrow (Friday), have been moved to next Wednesday, February 14th. My homeroom students are asked to wear red and/or yellow on that day, the colours of the flag for China, the country that we will be representing.

Thank you,

Mrs. C

Posted: February 8, 2018

This is a reminder to please return my classroom library books to the classroom as soon as you are finished reading them.

I have personally purchased many of the books on my shelves, and every year I try to update my library with current and popular books that my students request. It is disappointing when students fail to return books, damage books, or destroy them. It is costly to replace them (most cost more than $5.00 each), and takes away from the choices available for my students. I am discouraged by the number of missing books. I will not be able to replace them, and will not be adding any new books unless students return those that are missing. 

Please return books as soon as possible.

Thank you. 

Students are reminded of the Independent Reading Response assignment that is to be completed by December 20th! This is in your L.A. DuoTang, and should be at home with you each day. Read your novel at least 20 minutes everyday, and complete a response question every other day. There are 19 to choose from - you are required to complete ONLY 5!!! Don't leave these to the last day to finish. Many can be answered while you are still reading the novel. I will be conferencing with you in class to see how you are doing with this assignment.

Due Date: 

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Posted: November 17, 2017

A reminder to continue reading every night for at least 20 minutes.

"Those who read, can succeed!"

Due Date: 

Friday, November 17, 2017

Posted: November 17, 2017

Please note: The Scholastic Book Orders for the month of November are due on Tuesday, November 21st! The December Book Order forms are here now and will be distributed next week. The due date for the December orders will be Wednesday, December 6th. This is to allow time for the books to be delivered before our Christmas Break. 

Posted: November 3, 2017

The first draft of the writing assignment (autobiography or procedural) must be completed for the start of class on Monday! Several class days were given for this. If you are behind with this, then you have homework!

Also, Reading Responses are due on Monday. You should be reading at home every day. If you finish a book, then complete the response right away. Don't leave them to do all at once!

Due Date: 

Friday, November 3, 2017

Posted: October 20, 2017

Students are reminded to complete the "My Food Guide Servings Tracker" and return to me for next TECH class.

Due Date: 

Friday, October 20, 2017

Posted: October 19, 2017

Please note:

There is a change for the due date for Reading Responses for Term 1. The final due date for these will be Monday, November 6th! Do not leave these until the end of term to complete. Get them in to me as soon as completed for marking.

Due Date: 

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Posted: October 18, 2017

Remember to keep track of what you eat tonight and through the day tomorrow.

Due Date: 

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Posted: October 18, 2017

A reminder that students are to be reading every night for at least 20 minutes.

Reading Response assignments are outlined in Language Arts DuoTang. Students are to complete 10 reading assignments before first report cards go home. DON'T LEAVE THESE TO THE END OF THE TERM TO COMPLETE!

Due Date: 

Wednesday, October 18, 2017



Added: Fri, May 22 2015