Mrs. Gallant - Archived 2024

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: September 18, 2018

This is what our week generally looks like!

The Daily Reading Skills activity is a brief activity (5-10 min.) that teaches Inference, Cause & Effect, Sequencing, Compare & Contrast, Story Elements, Fact & Opinion, Main Idea, Point of View, Character Traits, Author's Purpose, Context Clues, and Predictions. 

Students' reading and writing skills will be assessed each week through 1:1 reading and writing conferences, and feedback will be provided. 

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Posted: September 18, 2018

Hello! My name is Mrs. Gallant and this year I am teaching Grade 6Keating Post Intensive French (PIF), Grade 6/7LeBlanc English Language Arts, and I'm also the school's Resource teacher. If you have any questions for me, email is always the best way to reach me: You can also call the school at 778-6077. 

I will be posting long range plans and important assignments on this page. I do not generally assign much homework to the PIF class (as the bulk of what we are doing is oral speaking) but do ask that all of my English students are reading for a minimum of 20 minutes per night. We will not be using reading logs but I be conferencing with students on what they are reading each week. I look forward to working with these two great classes this year!


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