
Posted: May 10, 2016

A big thanks to Lisa and Ainsley for organizing our Drink Healthy, Be Healthy campaign!

Posted: May 2, 2016

Due to NBTA meetings for teachers, there will be no school for students on Thursday, May 5th and Friday, May 6th.

Posted: April 25, 2016

Shannon won gold at the provincial science fair last week with her project "No need for the bead". Dr. Losier community is very proud of her hard work and awesome ideas.  Congratulations!  :)


Posted: April 25, 2016

April 29th will be a Professional Learning Day for all staff in ASD-N.  Therefore, there will be no school for students on that day.

Posted: April 22, 2016

 A local author, Valerie Sherrard, took the time this week to inspire the students at DLMS and introduce them to a wonderful career.  Thank you for your words of wisdom.  Grab one of her books or visit her blog at:  

Posted: April 20, 2016

Dr. Losier school is raising funds for Jump Rope for Heart!  This week students will be participating in a jump rope challenge at T-time.  Please log on to donate to our school for this worthy cause.



Posted: April 15, 2016

Our Project Happiness group encouraged the lady knights to "write something nice about someone" on a wall space available in our school.  The kindness thoughts were wonderfully written and smiles were seen by all!  We want to thank the "pinkitforward" group for a great idea.  Happiness abounds at DLMS. 

Posted: April 13, 2016

Congratulations to the 87 students who had perfect attendance for the month of March.  Well done!  Congratulations as well to John Murdock from 8M, winner of the monthly draw.  Keep up the great attendance!  :)

Posted: April 7, 2016

Reminder to the parents of girls in grade 7: The second dose of the Gardasil vaccine will be given the morning of April12, 2016.  Please have your daughter eat breakfast and wear short sleeves.

Posted: April 4, 2016

Thank you to Douglastown Sobey's employees for visiting our culinary class today.  Wonderful healthy recipes from the dietician and creating food with the Sobey's staff members was an exciting experience for our grade 8 students. We found the truth in your logo "Better food for all".   


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