
Posted: November 3, 2016

Students of Dr. Losier Middle School are preparing boxes to be sent to Canadian Soldiers overseas for Christmas. The boxes must be delivered by Wednesday November 16st to NBCC.  If you can donate any of the following items before then, please send them to Mrs. Squire's classroom.


Posted: October 28, 2016

All grade 6 students are invited to an evening of fun with the WEB leaders.  This AWESOME  event takes place for Girls on Wed. Nov. 2nd and for boys on Wed. Nov. 9th from 6:30-8pm.  Come out for some fantasitic fun!  See you there.

Posted: October 28, 2016

Order your child's lunch online!  Check out the video for easy ordering steps.  

Posted: October 28, 2016

“Join Science East Science Centre at Dr. Losier Middle School for Illuminate! Shedding Light on STEM Careers! Get an inside look at how science, technology, engineering and math are being used by professionals in our community every day! Step into their shoes, handle tools and equipment and get inspired!


Illuminate! takes place on November 3rd, 6-7:30 pm at Dr. Losier Middle School. Open to the Public. Admission is FREE.”

Posted: October 24, 2016

The cookie dough orders will be distributed to students on Thursday, November 3rd. If parents would like to pick the orders up themselves, they will be available at 2:35.  Again, we would like to thank all students and parents who participated.

Posted: October 12, 2016

The Miramichi East Playground Committee is entering the Aviva Community Fund Contest. The committee would like everyone in our beautiful community and beyond to vote for the playground. They are hoping to win $100 000 for their cause.

Posted: October 8, 2016

Grade 7 Immunization will take place on Tuesday, October 18th.  Students will be bringing home information and permission forms this week.

Posted: October 4, 2016

Activity Schedule 2016-2017



Posted: October 3, 2016

On Friday, October 30 the students and staff of Dr. Losier MIddle School participated in Orange Shirt Day.  This day is a day to honour the children who survived Residential Schools, and in memory of those who did not.  Thank you to all teachers for teaching your students about First Nations children and Residential Schools, to classes 8C and 8F for the posters, and to 6/7R who helped make orange shirt pins for those who did not have orange shirts.   


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