
Posted: December 12, 2014

Congratulations to the 40 students who achieved Honour Roll status during Term One.  The students achieved As in all subjects.  On Friday, these students enjoyed a sundae party.  Excellent commitment!

Posted: December 5, 2014

Congratulations to class 7S (Mme. Stewart) on winning the Challenge Cup for November.  Great work!

Posted: December 4, 2014

Congratulations to the 110 students who had perfect attendance for the month of November - well done!  Mme. Stewart's class (7S) had the highest overall attendance at 97.6%.  Ms. Munn's class (8M) had the most improved attendance.  Congratulations to Kaley McGraw, winner of November's Perfect Attendance draw!

Posted: November 28, 2014

Congratulations to Tobi Desveaux for receiving the Anglophone North Volunteer Award.  Tobi has donated her time and expertise for eight evenings to offer Power Training classes to the public.  She has charged an entrance fee, donating all monies to the DLMS Home and School Association.  Over the course of the eight weeks, Tobi has helped raise enough money to outfit our girls' volleyball teams with new uniforms.  

Posted: November 19, 2014

Parent Teacher interviews will take place at Dr. Losier Middle School on Thursday, November 20th from 4:30 - 6:30, and on Friday, November 21st from 1:00 - 3:00.  All interviews will take place in the gymnasium.  We hope to have the opportunity to meet with you at one of these times.

Posted: November 19, 2014

Congratulations to Mr. Richard and his students in 8R - Team Richardasaurus Rex - on winning the Challenge Cup for the month of October.  Well done!!

Posted: November 11, 2014

A big thank you to all parents, students and staff who donated supplies, time and money to this worthy cause.  Dr. Losier Middle School was able to provide 61 boxes full of wonderful supplies, for the Soldiers who will be away from home at Christmas.  We are all very proud of what we where able to do, to support those who protect us.  Thank you again.

Posted: November 4, 2014

Congratulations to the 99 students who had perfect attendance for the month of October - that's 44% of our students.  We're very proud of you.  All classes had over 90% attendance rate, with 8S having the best attendance at 97.2%.  Each month we are holding a prize draw for the students who have had perfect attendance.  For September, Logan Walsh from 7F was the lucky winner, and for October the winner was Thomas Dickson from 8M.  Congratulations!

Posted: October 31, 2014

These are the items we are looking to fill our Boxes to Send to our Canadian Troops for Christmas. Need to Have: Small pkgs of Kleenex                          $5 to buy Tim Hortons products Power Bars                                             Medicated Foot Powder + Medicated Foot Spray M&Ms (the only chocolate that won’t melt) Sunscreen (high coverage)                   Medicated Lip Balm Werthers Candy                                     Microwave Popcorn Wet Wipes                                              Gum

Posted: October 30, 2014

DLMS cross country team had a very successful season.  Our runners placed in the top three at every race.  Many thanks to the parents for their support this season.  DLMS received several individual awards for overall points.  Grade 6 winners were Spencer Desveaus and Jenny Cripps with Zoe Perron in second place in the district.  Grade 7 girls winners were Marcia Buckley in first and Shannon Bowes in second.  Grade 8 girls Rachael Hovey came in first.  Congratualtions to all the girls as they won the trophy for the overall points for the season. 


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