
Posted: March 25, 2015

The District Science Fair was held at JMH on March 25th.  Here are the results for Dr. Losier:1st place Shannon Bowes2nd place Sara McLeanHonorable Mention:  Rachael Hovey                                 Kate Estabrooks and Amber MacDonald                                Brenden Donald and Spencer DesveauxAlso in attendance where Marcia Buckley and Amber Babkirk, Sean Donahue and Kaleb McKnight.  Everyone represented our school well, we are all very proud of them.

Posted: March 25, 2015

Report cards will be distributed on Wednesday, March 25th. Guardians will have an opportunity to attend Interviews on Thursday March 26th form 4:30-6:30 and Friday, March 27th from 1:00-3:00. If you are unable to attend the scheduled time and would like to set up a meeting, please contact the school at 778-6077. There will be no scholl for students on March 27th.

Posted: March 23, 2015

L’Istorlet Centre Nautique is a wonderful facility located on the southern side of the island of Havre-Aubert, Îles de-la-Madeleine, Quebec. The six- day residential camps for Immersion students ages 12-14 and 15 to 17 years, will provide a full schedule of exciting activities featuring; sailing, kayaking, snorkeling, windsurfing, bird and seal watching, canoeing, theater and MUCH more. Go to for more information and registration forms.

Posted: March 22, 2015

The winners of Dr. Losier Science FairGrade 8   Rachel Hovey                Sara McLean                Kate Estabrooks and Amber MacDonaldGrade 7     Shannon Bowes                  Marcia Buckley and Amber Babkirk                  Nancy McLeanGrade 6    Brenden Donald and Spencer Desveaux                 Sean Donahue and Kaleb McKnight                 Amber Flynn and Kaylee Vidal

Posted: March 18, 2015

One of our students recently received a letter from a soldier that received our boxes at Christmas. Tori Sutherland received the attached letter in the mail along with a badge of the regiment.  We where very happy to have made their Christmas a little brighter.  It was very appropriate for Tori to receive this, as she is one of the few cadets we have in the school. 

Posted: March 18, 2015

The school will be having their science fair thursday in the library.  The projects will be judged in the morning, and will be available for viewing in the afternoon or on friday.

Posted: March 18, 2015

Reminder that all phys. ed. classes are skating tomorrow.  Please bring your skates and helmets.  Let's have some winter fun!

Posted: March 9, 2015

Congratulations to the 87 students who had perfect attendance for the month of February.  Congratulations as well to Colby Dickson from 7F who won the perfect attendance draw for February!  The class with the highest attendance was 6V at 94.1%.  Both Mrs. Coughlan's class and Mr. Richard's class showed an improvement in attendance over January! 

Posted: February 26, 2015

On Thursday, we celebrated Pink Shirt Day.  Students and staff dressed in pink, in recognition of the ongoing need to stand up to bullying.  A big thank you to Ms. Leach and the Beyond the Hurt group who prepared and presented an anti-bullying presentation to all classes.  Well done!

Posted: February 25, 2015

Due to the cancellation of school on Wednesday, the Pink Shirt Day Against Bullying will take place on Thursday, February 26th.  Be sure to wear pink to show that you stand against bullying.


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