
Posted: March 18, 2015

One of our students recently received a letter from a soldier that received our boxes at Christmas. Tori Sutherland received the attached letter in the mail along with a badge of the regiment.  We where very happy to have made their Christmas a little brighter.  It was very appropriate for Tori to receive this, as she is one of the few cadets we have in the school. 

Posted: March 18, 2015

The school will be having their science fair thursday in the library.  The projects will be judged in the morning, and will be available for viewing in the afternoon or on friday.

Posted: March 18, 2015

Reminder that all phys. ed. classes are skating tomorrow.  Please bring your skates and helmets.  Let's have some winter fun!

Posted: March 9, 2015

Congratulations to the 87 students who had perfect attendance for the month of February.  Congratulations as well to Colby Dickson from 7F who won the perfect attendance draw for February!  The class with the highest attendance was 6V at 94.1%.  Both Mrs. Coughlan's class and Mr. Richard's class showed an improvement in attendance over January! 

Posted: February 26, 2015

On Thursday, we celebrated Pink Shirt Day.  Students and staff dressed in pink, in recognition of the ongoing need to stand up to bullying.  A big thank you to Ms. Leach and the Beyond the Hurt group who prepared and presented an anti-bullying presentation to all classes.  Well done!

Posted: February 25, 2015

Due to the cancellation of school on Wednesday, the Pink Shirt Day Against Bullying will take place on Thursday, February 26th.  Be sure to wear pink to show that you stand against bullying.

Posted: February 25, 2015

We were a small but mighty group at Family Fun Fit Night on Tuesday.  We had a great time with badminton, yoga, aerobics and strength training!  Again, a big thanks to Teri Gregan, Tobi Desveaux, Shannon Daley, Kim Gilks, and the Culinary Tech boys! 

Posted: February 24, 2015

 ASD-N Students! Does your teacher have a classroom or subject web page that supports your classroom experience? Are you and your fellow students so proud of your school that you are busting to let others know about it? Have you used technology in your classroom to help you learn? If so then the 2015 ASD-N CUTE Awards are for you.        ·       NOMINATE your Teacher’s Web Page (parents can also make nominations for this award). ·       Get involved with making a School Spirit Video - You school could win an Ipad Mini Videography Kit (sponsored by Kinsmen Club of the Miramichi).

Posted: February 23, 2015

Tuesday, February 24th is the date for our first Family Fun Fit NIght.  Come on out for an evening of basketball, aerobics, yoga, snowshoeing, badminton and/or strength training! Pick your favourite activity or try several!  All Dr. Losier students and their families are welcome, and there is no charge.  Hope to see you here!  :)

Posted: February 23, 2015

Dr. Losier Middle School students and staff wish all the best to our JV Girls and Boys Basketball Teams as they compete in the District Championships.  The boys play Monday in Blackville, and the girls play Tuesday in Sunny Corner.  Good Luck!!


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