
Posted: March 19, 2014

A reminder that Parent -Teacher Interviews will take place on Thursday, March 20th from 4:30 - 6:30 and on Friday, March 21st from 1:00 - 3:00.  All interviews will take place in the gymnasium.  We look forward to meeting with you at this time.

Posted: March 10, 2014

Congratulations to the 70 students who had perfect attendance for the month of February.  Well done!  Keep up the great attendance for March.  :)  Congratulations as well to class 7L, who has had the best attendance for four months running, this month at 96.1%.  Super!

Posted: February 27, 2014

The grade eight classes are continuing their fundraising efforts for their trip to Halifax. Tickets went home today on a beautiful quilt. We hope that everyone is able to get out and sell tickets. We can't wait to see who the lucky winner is on March 18th. Best wishes to everyone.

Posted: February 26, 2014

   Pink Shirt Day took place on Wednesday, February 26th.  Our day started with a video conference with Catriona Le May Doan, who spoke about her Olympic experiences.  She then reminded us that we, and only we, are in control of our actions.  She  encouraged us to set both short and long term goals.  Catriona emphasized the importance of respecting ourselves and others, and to celebrate our differences.  During T Time, our STEP UP CREW made a presentation to all classes about realizing how different we all are, and to enjoy these differences.  They ended their presentations by asking students

Posted: February 26, 2014

Does your teacher have a classroom or subject web page that supports your classroom experience? Are you and your fellow students so proud of your school that you are busting to let others know about it? Have you used technology in your classroom to help you learn? If so then the 2014 ASD-N CUTE Awards are for you. NOMINATE your Teacher’s Web Page (parents can also make nominations for this award), Get involved with making a School Spirit Video - You could win a SMARTBOARD 680 and document camera for your school!

Posted: February 26, 2014

Congratulations to our JV Girls' team who won silver at the District Basketball championship!  We're very proud of you.  Thanks to Coach Carter for a great season.  We also congratulate our Varisty Boys who played very well in the Provincial Championship in St. John, placing 4th in the province, and to our Varsity Girls who placed second in the Provincial Championship held at DLMS.  Thanks to Coaches Richard, Reynolds, and Edwards.  Congratulations, All! 

Posted: February 22, 2014

Congratulations to both our Varsity Girls and Varsity Boys who won their first games this morning in the provincial basketball championships!  Good luck to both teams on their next games!  Our boys are playing in St. John, our girls are playing at DLMS with their next game being scheduled for 5:30! 

Posted: February 18, 2014

On Tuesday, February 18th Mr. Cripps took all of our Blue Knights bowling.  A good time was had by all, with much ice cream being consumed at the end.  We are proud of all our Blue Knights and their contributions to Dr. Losier Middle.

Posted: February 16, 2014

Dr. Losier Middle School would like to congratulate Emily Larkin, who will be heading to the Biathlon Nationals. After a long tiring biathlon competition, Emily did remarkably well. In the first race of the provincials, she placed third after accidentally taking the wrong turn following the senior’s course instead of the junior’s course. After doing 1.5 km extra, than just the 4.5km trail, she was just an unbelievable 18 seconds behind the second place junior girl! On the second day, Emily won gold with flying colors

Posted: February 13, 2014

Due to the inclement weather forecasted for this evening, the Home and School Valentine's Day dance has been cancelled. The dance has been rescheduled for Thursday, Feb. 20th between 6:15-8:15.


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