Posted: September 10, 2015
Students are bringing home several forms for parental review; a Welcome Letter from the Superintendent, a review of Threat Assement Policy and bussing arrangements, and a Media Coverage form which needs to be signed and returned to school. Student Profile sheets went home yesterday to be signed and returned ASAP. Cafeteria menus were also sent home.Student fees are $30.Activity periods (2:35-3:10) will begin next week- Monday, Tuesday and Thursdays. Students are encouraged to stay and participate then take a bus home on our late run.Please have your child review their agendas with you (we went through them in detail today). There is a lot of important information in there. I will be signing their agendas everyday and encourage you to do the same. They are a great way for home and school to stay in contact.If you have any questions please feel free to send me a note or call me at school. Meet the Teacher is Thursday September 17th at 6pm. Hope to see you then!