
Posted: October 1, 2017

September 29th was Orange Shirt Day, and over 60 students and Staff wore orange. We showed our support for all the students who where forced to attended Residential School.

Posted: September 26, 2017

Do you have some extra time in the mornings between 7:45-8:15?  If so the DLMS Home and School would love your help serving breakfast to some hungry students.  If you are available to help please contact our H&S contact Carrie Kingston to find out more information and hopefuly put yourself on our schedule.  Thank you for helping to build our school community and give back to the students at our school!

You can reach DLMS H&S Carrie Kingston at

Posted: September 14, 2017

Fred Fox visited Dr. Losier on Sept. 14th. We where inspired by Terry Fox and his "never give up" attitude and perseverance. Mr. Fox gave a wonderful presentation on the life and family moments of his brother Terry. We want to thank him for coming to our school and leaving us with two books for our school library on Terry Fox.   We will be having our Terry Fox walk on friday Sept 15th.

Posted: September 11, 2017

This Wednesday evening Dr. Losier Middle School will be having its "Meet the Teacher" night.   This is a great opportunity to come out and informally mingle and meet our wonderful staff.  King Street Elementary will be having their open house the following night, so we hope there will be no conflicts for most people.  See you then!

Posted: August 31, 2017

Welcome! Only the Grade 6 students will begin school on Tuesday, September 5th. Grade 7 & 8 students begin on Wednesday, September 6th.

 Dismissal Change:  Dr. Losier Middle School will no longer run an early dismissal for students. All students will be dismissed at the late dismissal time which will be 3:00 pm

Posted: August 29, 2017

Welcome back!  WEB training day is tomorrow and we are excited to see you all.  Our day begins at 8:30 and ends at 2:00.  :)

Posted: June 27, 2017

The staff of Dr. Losier Middle School wish all the students and their families a wonderful summer!  Have fun, get lots of fresh air, and stay safe.  See you in September!  :)

Posted: June 26, 2017

The Principal's Awards were given to Jenna Taylor and Anika Bushra. The Vice-Principal's Awards were given to Laken McCarthy and Lauren Guyader.

Posted: June 23, 2017

Atheletes of the Year- Spencer Desveaux and Jenny Cripps.

Posted: June 22, 2017

Friday, June 23rd is the last day of school for students.  Students will be dismissed between 11:30 and noon.  If a student is not in school on Friday, report cards may be picked up from the main office after 11:30 on Friday.


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