
Posted: November 30, 2017

Dr. Losier is holding it's annual food drive. Mrs. Stewart's 21C classes and Social Studies Classes are collecting non-perishable food item for the Christmas hampers that will be distributed in the Chatham area. All donations should be brought in by December 15th to Room 225.

Posted: November 22, 2017

The class 8D and Mrs. Stewart helped organized and prepare the Boxes for Soldiers. This year we prepared 44 boxes that where added to the approximately 60 others donated by the residents of Miramichi. A big thank you to parents, staff, and students who donated the materials necessary to complete this worthwhile project. You have helped make Christmas a little brighter for Canadian Soldiers who will be far from home this year.

Posted: November 10, 2017

 A Remembrance Day Ceremony was held on thursday. Thank you to Mrs. Frost and Mrs. Hutchinson for all the work they put into getting it ready. The students did a wonderful job.

Posted: November 7, 2017

On thursday the boxes for Soldiers will be delivered. Anyone having any items for the boxes are asked to bring them in wednesday or at the latest thursday morning to Mrs Squire. Thank you for all your support in this special project.

Posted: November 6, 2017

Dr. Losier will hold a Remembrance Ceremony on Thursday November 9th at 10am. All members of the community are welcome to join us for this event.

Posted: November 2, 2017

The picture for the shoeboxes for Soldiers will be taken at 12:30 on Friday. Anyone wearing red will be going over to NBCC to take part in this years picture. All are welcome to attend from the community.The following is a note from the organizer of the event Brenda Daigle.

Posted: November 2, 2017

Wear Red on Friday to support the soldiers overseas. A picture will be taken at the Community College at noon, for anyone in the community who would like to join us, Wear Red.

Posted: October 27, 2017

The Halloween Spooktacular was a tremendous success. The students and staff worked very hard during the last 6 weeks to complete a Halloween Spooktacular. It included Drama production, dance, movie making, rock painting, games, haunted house, trebuchets and a photo booth. Congratulations to all involved and a special thanks to parents, guardians, grandparents and friends who came out on thursday night to support out school.

Posted: October 23, 2017

Mya Moran and Georgia McLenaghan raised $303 via a bake sale they held at lunch time. The girls donated the money to the local SPCA. Pictured are Jennifer Arsenault (Shelter Manager), Mya Moran and Georgia McLenaghan. Thank you girls, we are very proud of you.

Posted: October 18, 2017

The first PSSC meeting was held on September 20th. The members of the PSSC are as follows: Lenny Ross (chair), Jessica Young (Vice Chair), Carrie Kingston, Theresa Savoie, Sheldon Walsh, Tanya Godfrey, Lesley Stymiest,Darlene Barry, Marie-Louise Squire (teacher rep), Judson Waye (Principal).

The dates for the PSSC Meetings are as follows:

October 18th- cancelled due to attendance.

December 13th-School Improvement Plan

February 21st- School Report Card/ Compare Results with District and Province.

April 11th- Review School Improvement Plan


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