
Posted: June 20, 2017

The Grade 8 banquet was held June 20th. They planted a Red Maple in honour of Canada's 150th Celebration. Thank you to the Home and School for making this event possible.

Posted: June 14, 2017

Please join us in congratulating Ms. Sherry Munn, the new Vice Principal of Dr. Losier Middle School.  Ms. Munn will take over this role on July 1, 2017.  Congratulations, Ms. Munn!  :)

Posted: June 12, 2017

Alexandre Comeau, a grade 6 student at Dr. Losier Middle School, is representing our school and district in the Young Citizens' Video competition.  The video has been posted and voting is now open.  We encourage all of our school community - staff, students, family, friends - to vote.  Two winning videos will be selected to represent New Brunswick in Ottawa in the fall.

Here is a link to this video, you will find the VOTE button beside his video.

Posted: June 5, 2017

The Maritime College of Forest Technology is offering summer camps for students.  Please contact them directly or information is available at the school office.

Posted: May 31, 2017

Please join the staff and students in congratulating and welcoming the new Principal of Dr. Losier Middle School, Ms. Cynthia GIlks.  Ms. Gilks will take over on July 1, 2017.  Congratulations!  :)

Posted: May 30, 2017

Students attended District Heritage Fair on May 12th. Winners from Dr. Losier included: Miranda Buckley- Council of Archives NB, Mya Moran and Ava Cassidy- Labour History in NB, Laken McCarthy- Students Choice and 1st Overall, Alexandre Comeau- Young Citizens Award, Anika Bushra- NB Museum Award of Merit.

Posted: May 30, 2017

Tuesday - Pyjama Day

Wednesday - Mismatched Socks Day

Thursday - Twins Day

Friday - Dress Your Best Day

Have fun and earn Challenge Cup points for your class!

Posted: May 14, 2017

Eight Students attended the Math Competition at UNB on Friday. Nate Carpenter scored the highest in our School District for Grade 8, he placed 3rd at the Fredericton campus and scored 3rd overall in the province for Grade 8.  Congratulations Nate.

Students in attendance where Jenna Taylor, Matthew Brown, Cameron LeBlanc, Dylan Gillis, Nate Carpenter, Liam Hare, Raven McDonald, Eric Thompson.

Posted: May 4, 2017

DLMS sends out a big thank you to Sheri Blakely and RBC Miramichi for their very generous donation toward our school lunch program.  We are so appreciative of their assistance in providing lunches for students in need.  Thank you.  :)

Posted: May 1, 2017

A big thank you to class 6/7R who spent time cleaning the school yard after the spring melt.  Looks great!  Let's all work at keeping our play area clean!  :)


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