Mrs. Frost Notes

La vie est belle.


Posted: February 22, 2014

7R-  Read 30 minutes. Egghead quiz on Tuesday. 8S- Read the Article of the Week and pass in Thursday. The video link  was posted yesterday under web links. You may view the videos in my room should you need internet access. :)

Posted: February 22, 2014

L.A. Read 30 minutes.  Quiz on Egghead on Tuesday  Science- Science Fair Projects due on February 26 Wear green for the Olympics on Monday. Cheer Team Canada Men's Hockey Team tomorrow morning at 8:00! Let's hope they, as a Facebook cartoon says, "Play like the girls!"  

Posted: February 19, 2014

Language Arts:   Read 30 minutes.  Egghead review on Friday. Science: Keep working on your project that is due on Feb. 26 Math:  Vocabulary quiz tomorrow. 8S L.A. – Read 30 minutes. Finish "critically thinking" exercises.   7R L.A. - Read 30 minutes. Egghead review on Friday. Valentine's Day dance is tomorrow night!

Posted: February 12, 2014

7F Homework        Language Arts:   Read 30 minutes.  Reading letter is due on Friday. Science: Keep working on your project that is due on Feb. 26 Music:  Study your book. Quiz next Wednesday. 8S L.A. – Read 30 minutes. Draft of review will be peer evaluated tomorrow! Good copy is due on Friday. 7R L.A. - Read 30 minutes. Reading letter is due on Friday.

Posted: February 11, 2014

7F Homework        Language Arts:   Read 30 minutes.  Reading letter is due on Friday. Science: Keep working on your project that is due on Feb. 26 Math:  none 8S L.A. – Read 30 minutes. Draft of review and review sheets due tomorrow. 7R L.A. - Read 30 minutes. Reading letter is due on Friday.  

Posted: February 5, 2014

7F Homework        Language Arts:   Read 30 minutes.  Article of the week – notes and questions due Friday Science: Birthstone project due Monday Math:  none Bring in tshirts the colors of our South Korean flag. 8S L.A. – Read 30 minutes. Decide which product, book, movie etc. you’d like to review. 7R L.A. - Read 30 minutes. Article of the week – notes and questions due Friday

Posted: January 20, 2014

7F  Home of the All Stars- Flaming Frosts!!LA- Finish the article on Nelson Mendela which is past due for some of you!  Read 30 minutes and take notes for your reading letter which is due on Friday. The final mark includes submitting your work on time; tardiness reduces your mark. Take advantage of T-time if you have questions.Math-  P.    (I hope that you know!) # 5,6,7 7R- Finish the article on Nelson Mendela which is past due for some of you!  Read 30 minutes and take notes for your reading letter which is due on Friday. The final mark includes submitting your work on time; tardiness reduces your mark. Take advantage of T-time if you have questions.8S-  Continue reading and gathering answers for your Book Talk questions. Have notes ready for the next Book Talk on January 27. Good copy due on Wednesday, Jan. 29. 

Posted: January 14, 2014

7F Homework   Go Flaming Frosts!      Language Arts:   Read your novel for 30 minutes.  Read page two of the article and make notes. Article of the Week is due on Friday. Math:  p.138 Q2-9 assigned as homework as well as any unfinished questions. 8S L.A. – Read 30 minutes.  Return your memoir signed.  I'd love to read those life lessons and recommendations about Totally Joe! (Hint to those who have not yet submitted them) 7R L.A. - Read your novel for 30 minutes.   Read page two of the article and make notes. Article of the Week is due on Friday.

Posted: January 13, 2014

7F  Home of the All Stars- Flaming Frosts!!LA- Read 30 minutes. Science- Quiz tomorrow. Study your notes.Social Studies- mini-project due on Thursday.  The computer lab is available Monday and Tuesday after school. 7R- Read 30 minutes.8S-  Share your amazing memoirs with your family. Please have your parents sign the evaluation.  READ 30 minutes.  

Posted: December 9, 2013

7F& 7R-  Language Arts- Read 30 minutes.  Practice your spellings from last week. Quiz on Wednesday. Spellings are posted in documents.  Work on monthly puzzle which is due next week, Dec. 18. 8S- Write your conclusion and add in suggestions from your peers.  Check your memoir writing schedule. I'll post it in the documents located  in the right hand corner.

Posted: December 1, 2013

Hi just a few reminders to parents and students.   Grade 7 and grade 8 classes are required to read 30 minutes a night in order to improve their reading comprehension.  I will post the top books from first term later this week. These could make great stocking stuffers! Grade 7 students have a weekly spelling TicTacToe to complete. Week two will be given out tomorrow. It's in hoping that students will learn these unforgivables by using them in context of creating a postcard, puzzle or comic strip. I will add it to my documents.Mondays and Wednesdays are Writer's Workshop Day, while Tuesdays and Fridays are Reader's Workshop Day. Grade 8 students have either an article of the week or Book Talk due every Friday.  This week they will have their discuss in Thursday's class and write it up for Friday. If absent, they can do it on their own. Mondays and Thursdays are Writer's Workshop Day, while Wednesdays and Fridays are Reader's Workshop Day. Students have set their goals in reading and writing, so it's onward and upward! (or should I say Dash away, dash away...!) :)

Posted: November 18, 2013

7F Homework        Language Arts:   Read 30 minutes.  Spelling Tic tac toe due Wednesday Math:  none Science: Complete question sheet Please bring in cereal for the food bank.

Posted: November 12, 2013

7F Homework        Language Arts:   Read 30 minutes.  You should be taking an AR test at the end of this week. Write your “protagonist response” for Friday. See attachment below. Math: P.89-90 #5, 6, 10 11 Science:  Presentation on Thursday Social Studies:  Hydraulic-Fracturing (Fracking) Project due Thursday 8S L.A. – Read 30 minutes.  Bring the good copy of your poem/poster and signed form. Bring your Writer's Notebook to class tomorrow. 7R L.A. - Read 30 minutes.  You should be taking an AR test at the end of this week. Write your “protagonist response” for Friday. See attachment below .      
File protagonist_response.docx14.65 KB

Posted: November 6, 2013

Language Arts:   Read 30 minutes.  Good copy for Remembrance Day contest due on Friday.  8S L.A. – Read 30 minutes.  Practice your lines.  It sounds great! Bring in items for play. Good copy for Remembrance Day is due Friday.  7R L.A. - Read 30 minutes.  Good copy for Remembrance Day contest due on Friday.  Please remember to bring in items for our Canadian soldiers.

Posted: October 30, 2013

7F Homework        Language Arts:   Read 30 minutes.  Finish simile sheet. Think about topic for Remembrance Day piece.   8S L.A. – Read 30 minutes.  Prepare notes for your book talk on Friday. Think about topic for Remembrance Day piece.   7R L.A. - Read 30 minutes.  Think about topic for Remembrance Day piece.   Wear orange and black tomorrow! Please remember to bring in items for our Canadian soldiers.  
