Ms Coughlan Notes

Welcome To Our Page


Posted: May 11, 2020


Hi everyone!


Hope you enjoyed the weekend, despite the snow. I’m glad to see it melting today. For the gardeners out there, my uncle used to call snow like that “a poor man’s fertilizer” and said that it actually gave extra nutrients to the soil.


I’m going to ask that you continue using the “Writing Choice Board” from last week (or any of the previous weeks) to help you find writing topics this week.


There is a new “Currents4Kids” article. Remember to contact me for your username and password for this site if you haven’t already done so. Follow the directions below:


1) Read the article titled“Homegrown Soccer Superstar”


2) When you finish reading, answer the "On-the-Lines" quiz questions. You will have 2 chances to get them right. You can see your results, and a copy is available for me to see too.


3) Next, try the "Between-the-Lines" quiz. You must reread the article to answer these questions successfully.


4) In the "Respond to This Story" section, choose ONE of the questions and answer it in the "Response" box. Place the number for the question you will answer in the box next to your answer. Use complete sentences and EXPLAIN YOUR THINKING! Why do you think the way that you do?


When you have finished typing your answer, click "Review", and I will receive your answer.


5) The "Find Out More" section provides opportunities for you to view more information about the topic through articles, pictures, and interactive programs. Look at this and see what else you can learn.




Coming soon – a “What In The World?” article and questions!




Please continue to read other materials of interest to you from whatever sources are available to you – books, magazines, newspapers, online articles, etc… The Choice Board writing assignments are available as well. You may continue to send these to me. I love reading your writing!




Have a good week and STAY SAFE!


Mrs. C.


Posted: May 4, 2020

Week 5

Another article has been posted to "". Remember that you will need your new username and password to access these. Contact me by email if you haven't gotten these yet. The new article is called "The First Inuit Novel". The 'Archives' section has many different topics to explore. You can access them as well.

I'm attaching a new "Writing Choice Board" this week. You can still use topics from the previous ones if you like.

Have a good week and stay safe!

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Posted: April 27, 2020




Hi Everyone!


I hope this finds you and your “Family Bubble” all doing well. We are adding so many new words to our daily vocabulary these days. I am sure you all have a very clear understanding for pandemic, virus, unprecedented, “flattening the curve”, “social distancing”, and many more words related to our current situation. Though it is difficult, we, as a province, are doing much better than many others. Hang in there! Things do seem to be improving in New Brunswick.


This week I am adding some reading materials for you. I have registered all my students with an online resource called Currents4Kids. To access this site, you will need to use an assigned username and password which I have. Send me an email ( and I will give them to you.


Once you login to the site, I want you to:


1) Read the article titled "Hubble Telescope: Window into a Hidden Universe"


2) When you finish reading, answer the "On-the-Lines" quiz questions. You will have 2 chances to get them right. You can see your results, and a copy is available for me to see too.


3) Next try the "Between-the-Lines" quiz.


4) In the "Respond to This Story" section, choose ONE of the questions and answer it in the "Response" box. When you have finished typing your answer, click "Review", and I will receive your answer.


5) The "Find Out More" section provides opportunities for you to view more information about the Hubble Telescope through articles, pictures, and interactive programs. Take a look at this and see what else you can learn.


Please continue to read other materials of interest to you from whatever sources are available to you – books, magazines, newspapers, online articles, etc… The Choice Board writing assignments are available as well. You may continue to send these to me. I love reading your writing!


Remember to maintain social distancing (2 metres), wash your hands thoroughly and often, and wear a mask (or other covering over you nose and mouth) when in public areas. Parks are open but playgrounds are not.


Have a good week and STAY SAFE!


Mrs. C.


Posted: April 20, 2020

Hello Students and Parents!


This is the beginning of Week 3 of "Learning From Home". I am enjoying reading the notes and assignments that many of you are sending to me. Please feel free to continue sharing these. This shows me your commitment to learning. I am trying to respond to all of them. These assignments are intended to help maintain your skills during this extended time away from school. I am attaching a new Choice Board this week. You may select a writing topic from it or another from the previous Choice Board. Continue to read. It is recommended that you read 30 minutes or more each day. Newspaper articles, magazines, novels and short stories in your home or found online are all good sources.


Look for updates again next week. You can contact me through my email ( if you have questions.


Stay Safe!


Mrs. C


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Posted: April 14, 2020


Hi Everyone,


I have enjoyed reading the assignments you have sent to me. Some of you have been very creative! I will be responding to you about these later today.


Some general things to focus on with your writing this week, would be paragraphing, capitalization, and punctuation. Remember some of the mini-lessons we did.


You need to start a new paragraph when there is a change in place or a passage of time. You also use a new paragraph every time there is a new person speaking when writing dialogue.


All proper nouns (names of people, places and important things and events) begin with capital letters. The first word in a sentence also begins with a capital letter.


A sentence (a complete thought) ends with a period, exclamation mark or question mark. Use a comma between items if you are listing three or more things. (There are other comma rules, but we will worry about them later.) Use quotation marks (“  “) around the words that someone is saying.


Here is an exercise to help you focus on capital letters and end marks (.!?). Use a red pen or marker and circle or highlight the end marks. Next, use a blue pen or marker and circle or highlight all the capital letters. There should be a blue mark AFTER every red mark. If you don’t have many red or blue marks, then you may want to try reading your writing aloud to help identify the end of your sentences.


For this week, you may continue to select writing assignments from the Choice Board I posted last week. I will be changing this next week.


I know some of you may be having a difficult time finding reading materials at home. I have found some online resources. I will attach them in a Word Document above. You may have to create an account in order to use them, but they are free. Have your parent help you with this. Many online educational resources are being offered free of charge until the end of June. You may find more. If I find any others, I will post them here.


Please send me an email if you have questions or concerns. We are using your feedback to help plan for future assignments. There is a link to my email address from the ‘Staff’ tab above.


Hope you are enjoying some time outside while practicing social distancing. Stay safe.


Mrs. C.


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Posted: April 6, 2020

Learning At Home begins today!

For 6K and 7C Humanities classes and 6T English Language Arts students, the daily assignments are the same. Read for 30 minutes and then choose a topic from the Choice Board (attached to my previous post) and write. If 30 minutes of reading is too much to do at once, then read for two 15 minute intervals. Do same for writing - write a bit and then take a break and come back to it later. 

This is new to everyone, and we will need your feedback to tweak things and make improvements. If you have questions, you can contact me by email ( ).

I will be posting more information each Monday. Check back next week to see what's new.

Stay safe.

Mrs. C.

Posted: April 6, 2020

Here are some possible writing topics for the next few days. Stay safe everyone!

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Posted: March 31, 2020

Hi Everyone,

I just want to let you know how much I miss seeing you all, and that I am thinking of you! Please follow the health guidelines and stay safe. 

Mrs. C

Dear Students and Parents/Guardians,                           March 16th, 2020




Some of you may be wondering if there are any assignments that you can be working on while at home for the next few days. At this time, teachers are being instructed not to give out assignments. However, we are also being asked to check our emails frequently. This situation is being described as ‘fluid’ and ‘unprecedented’. This means that the situation is changing day by day, hour by hour. You can expect that there will be updates over the next two weeks.




I would encourage my students to continue to read every day. “People who read, do succeed.” You have heard me say this many times.




All three classes (6K, 7C, and 6T) have been reading class novels (Restart by Gordan Korman, Refugee by Alan Gratz, and The Hand of Robin Squires by Joan Clark). I did find an online audio version of Refugee ( If I locate the others, I will post the links for you. We had begun to discuss “End of Novel” Projects before this unexpected school closure.I am planning (at this point) to continue with this when we return to school. I hope to have these ready for our 'School Showcase' at the end of the year. There are many choices and outlines for Creative Book Reports to be found online. I have a general rubric for this and am leaving it quite open for students to choose what works for them – visual art, music, PowerPoint, written report, posters. Students were going to be given some class time to work on these, but much of it would be done outside of class.




There is an opportunity for some real-life (authentic) writing during this experience. Journaling about their thoughts and feelings is a way of keeping up with their writing skills. This is an 'unprecedented' event, and history in the making. I was speaking with another teacher yesterday and said that we will have lots for our students to talk about, think about, reflect and write about. This will be something that they will remember. Although they may not see the value in writing about their daily activities now, the importance of documenting what they are doing or not doing, thinking, feeling, or questioning during this very unusual situation, may be of interest and/or value later.




There are many websites that have educational resources that are free and easy to access. Scholastic Canada ( has added some additional materials about Covid-19 and a link titled “Learn at Home” where there are many materials for students of all ages, on various topics and at adjustable reading levels. These are going to be added to daily.




I will post additional information as needed, and as communications from our Minister of Education changes to reflect what is happening in the province, the country and the world.


Please contact me through email at any time if you have questions or concerns. I will be working from home as instructed and checking my emails frequently.




Please take care and follow the guidelines from our health authorities. Hope to see you soon.


Karen Coughlan




Posted: February 27, 2020

I wasn't really expecting this to be a Storm Day, so I didn't ask that Homework Notebooks be taken home. Take a few extra minutes to read today. Don't worry about a written response this time.

Posted: May 30, 2019

An apology to my 6K students -> End of Novel Projects are due next Wednesday, June 5, and not tomorrow. If you have them ready, then you may bring them in tomorrow.

Sorry for the 'mix-up'.

Mrs. Coughlan

Posted: May 24, 2019

Reminder - Power Play products are to be completed and ready for the 'Showcase'. You are to be working on these at home.

Posted: May 24, 2019

Reminder - end of novel project is due June 5th! You are to work on this at home.

Posted: May 15, 2019

We have been reading a novel in class called The Hand of Robin Squires, which is a work of fiction based on the Oak Island Mystery. Students have been given an 'end-of-novel' assignment. They have a choice from a list of thirteen possible projects. The assignment sheet was distributed in class last week and the possibilities read and discussed. Students were required to make their choice and submit it in writing to me yesterday. A few still have not done so. Please discuss this with your child and help ensure that they are working to complete this. They will be allowed some class time to work on this, but are required to be working at home as well. 

Due date for this assignment -> June 5th 


Posted: May 15, 2019

Students are writing short stories. The deadline for these to be completed is Wednesday, June 5th.
