Mr. Waye

7M Science and DLMS Info

Posted: December 12, 2017

Data Table




Posted: December 11, 2017

File document3.docx21.16 KB

Posted: December 11, 2017

Today we learned and practiced making graphs for our project.  We did both a bar graph (column) and line graphs as examples.  Later, students had computer lab time to practice making graph in Word using the weather data from last week.

Some students were absent, for anyone that needs the basics of how to create a graph, use this youtube link.

Posted: December 4, 2017

Log onto the Mr.Waye's and open the excel file called - Weather Data

Using this data, create the following graphs. (Use the graph paper that is provided and put your graphs in your assessment folders)

1. Create a line graph for the "temp" for November 1st from 1:00 - 12:00.

2. Create a line graph for the relative humidity "rel hum (%)" between November 2nd at 12:00 and Nov 3rd at 12:00

3. Create a line graph for the "temp" for November 12th (all 24 hours)

If you have created all three of these graphs by hand you have 2 options:

A. In Microsoft Word, create a graph of the three graphs above.  If you have never created a graph on MS Word, you may need to search google or youtube

B. Work to edit the video of your producation of gas project.  Make sure your video is no longer than 2 min and can be embedded in your powerpoint.


Posted: December 4, 2017

Office spreadsheet icon weatherdata.xls168 KB

Students worked hard in class the last couple of days on creating a digital version of their projects.  We are now finished the planning phase of the project and that power point should be saved to the class USB by end of class on Monday.  Some students have already saved their work to the drive, but others needed a little extra time.  Those students can work at lunch hour and during homework class today.

Students are asked to shoot the video of their experiment over the weekend.  Some students may have commitments, so we will be accpeting the video files until Wednesday.  Students need to save their own video files to their own USB drives so we can add the files to their powerpoint next week.

Posted: November 17, 2017

Part 1 of our Production of Gas Lab

1. Testable Question

2. Hypothesis

3. Identification of Variables

4. Materials and Procedures


Image Galleries

Added: Wed, Jan 29 2020


Added: Fri, Sep 14 2018


Blank Word Doc
Weather Data
Data Analysis - Discrete V Continuous Data