Mrs. Stewart

Il y a des fleurs partout pour qui veut bien les voir. -Henri Matisse

Posted: April 14, 2020


The plan outline for this week is in one of these documents ;)

These are the documents from the online resource Les Plans. No need to print, you only need paper and a pencil ;) 

 I made videos to explain each activity. Let me know if you have any questions or send me...

Posted: April 6, 2020

So apparently, you have to take videos with your phone horizontally. And now I know :)


Eh vous autres! Je voulais juste vous dire un ''VRAI''  bonjour en distance :)


Posted: April 6, 2020


Allô tout le monde! Comment ça va?!


First off, I miss you all so much! Not being able to see you, talk to you and see how you are all doing is driving me nuts! For now, staying at home is key for us to be together sooner. It was so amazing to see your faces on social media last week during our virtual spirit week. You guys are so awesome and full of knight pride :D


For FILA and social studies, we’re going to start very slow.  Get into a new learning environment in the comfort of your home.  It’s been a while since you’ve engaged in active learning, so we want to ease into it.  Once we do this, I have planned more options in terms of activities and projects that you can do at home.


I will be placing a One Week Plan on my Teacher Page every Monday.  These plans are meant to run from Monday-Monday.  Although we have not been instructed to formally assess students at this time, we are permitted to give feedback as you move through the learning opportunities.  That means you can contact me through email if you need any help (  I will also be posting on my Instagram account (stewart_mme) every Monday, same as my teacher page. I’m sure you know that I would be more than happy to help anyone who needs it.  I would be happy just to hear from you! I made a short Hello Video because I feel I can connect better in person than in a letter ;) I can’t talk with my hands in a letter Ha! Ha! Ha! Nor make all my facial expressions :D


As you will see in my Week One plan, you will have the opportunity to complete activities from each FILA component: reading, speaking and writing. In regards to reading, you can read a French book or online French articles that I posted in the plan. In terms of oral communication, it would be a great opportunity to call up your friends and have conversations in French J  Anything to put into practice your French skills would be great for this week. Finally, for writing, just a short paragraph is what I ask!


I will talk to you soon!


Mme Stewart J


File week_one_fila.docx43.3 KB

Posted: September 25, 2018


Ceci n’est rien de nouveau pour cette semaine! Vous devez continuer à lire 15 minutes chaque soir en francais. Voici ce que doit contenir pour votre compte rendu de lecture. Dans ton journal de devoirs:

La date:

Le titre du livre:

Les pages lues:

2-3 phrases qui résument les actions des pages lues. (Ne répétez pas les actions des entrées des jours précédents)


Quiz de mots fréquents vendredi! 

Nous compléteront les messages positifs pour Phyllis cette semaine (journée du chandail orange).


Merci! Bonne soirée et à demain! 


-Mme Stewart :)

Posted: September 10, 2018

Students must read 15 minutes of their French novel each night. They must also complete a brief reading log in their homework scribbler. 


Thank you :)

-Mme Stewart

This project is due next Thursday January 25 th 2018. They have plenty of class time to complete this task on time.


Mme Stewart :)

Due Date: 

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Posted: January 8, 2018

Happy new years everyone!!

-15 minutes reading for French, complete a log entree.

-complete the goals and dreams for 2018 list in a writing journal If it wasn’t finished in class.

Due Date: 

Monday, January 8, 2018

Posted: December 18, 2017

Reading 15 minutes tonight + reading log (2-3 sentences).

Writing drafts are due tomorrow so that we can work on editing and corrections.

Short quiz on '' les mots fréquents'' tomorrow. (Last week's words)


Mme Stewart

Due Date: 

Monday, December 18, 2017

Posted: December 11, 2017

This is nothing new, students must read 15 minutes in French tonight. They must read at least 3 times a week in French at home. I encourage that they also read in French during silent reading every morning in class. They must also complete a short reading log. I showed them exactly what my expectations are today for the entrees. Here is the information I want to see in their reading scribbler:



Titre du livre:

Les pages lues:

Un bref résumé des pages lues (2-3 phrases):


In case of storm days, I still expect this task to be completed. They should keep their French novel in their book bag at all times. 

Have a great evening :)

-Mme Stewart

Due Date: 

Monday, December 11, 2017

Posted: December 10, 2017

Hi everyone! I will be sending Christmas cards for Becca Schofield on Friday December 15th. Please take a few minutes to wish wonderful holidays to this brave hero. She needs our support and a lot of encouragement! Thank you for paying it forward ;)


Mme Stewart


Image Galleries

Added: Tue, Apr 14 2020


Added: Tue, May 19 2020
Part 1- what to do? :)
Allo tout le monde!!!