Mrs. Stewart

Il y a des fleurs partout pour qui veut bien les voir. -Henri Matisse

Posted: May 3, 2020

Bonjour à tous mes chers élèves en immersion française!

Merci à tous ceux et celles qui continuent de m'envoyer leurs travaux. Vous êtes tellement vaillants (smart) et dévoués (devoted)  de continuer vos apprentissages (learning) de la maison. Je sais que le français n'est pas facile , mais vous continuez à surpasser mes attentes (expectations) :) J'ai entendu de plusieurs d'entres-vous qui prennent le temps de pratiquer la communication orale en français avec vos amis, vos frères et soeurs et des gens de votre famille. Wow! :D Incroyable! 


***Don't forget to check out the schedule on our school web site to come pick up your belongings this week.***


Pour cette semaine, vous pouvez continuer les tableaux au choix - J'ai changé plusieurs sujets en communication orale et en écriture. Les fiches de travail pour la lecture de l'article Faire face à la crise de la COVID-19 seront à compléter en plus des 2 activités après la lecture

Si vous avez choisi de faire le projet Life of My Pet, vous avez encore cette semaine pour le compléter ;)

N'hésitez pas à m'envoyer vos questions par courriel:


Sur ce, je vous souhaite une excellente semaine :D


-Mme Stewart

Posted: April 26, 2020

I walk the walk. Here's my French tutorial on making one of my favorite quarantine snacks! If you choose to make a tutorial- you have the whole week to work on it ;) I did mine in 5 steps. I think it's a good number for this kind of activity. Email me @ if you need help! 

Posted: April 26, 2020


Here's some fun stuff I prepared over the weekend for you! I still have the 3 choice boards that you can keep doing this week- I changed the writing topics and the reading article ;) ALSO, check out O p t i o n P r o j e c t ! If you decide to work on this, you can skip the choice boards for this week and work on your tech skills in video editing. Have fun with it. Youtube has many tutorials to help you out. I'm clearly a beginner when it comes to making videos, but I'm happy that I'm finally taking the time to play around with different apps and iMovie on my phone and learning how to do it myself. I will have other upcoming projects for you where you don't need technological devices ;)


                                                         H a v e  f u n  t h i s  w e e k  :D

-Mme Stewart

Posted: April 20, 2020

I'm really excited to see which way the video will be posted hahaha! It would be cool if it's right this week :D 

A few minutes later...

I tried flipping the video. Failed. Have a great week everyone!  

-Mme Stewart

Posted: April 20, 2020

Happy Monday :)

Here are some learning opportunities for French immersion humanities this week. Students will have the flexibility to pick 3 activities each day. -1. speaking/listening -  2. reading/viewing -  3. writing/representing


I'm still working on my video skills and hopefully I will get it right later. Stay tuned ;) 



Posted: April 14, 2020

This is my vlog for this week. I encourage you to do this to practice your French skills. Doing this everyday is a great exercise for you because you will become more comfortable speaking French and this will also help with fluency. Just listening to yourself afterwards is a great indicator on what it is you need to work on ;)

Posted: April 14, 2020

The video conversion process has failed. You might want to submit a simpler video format like mpeg or divx avi.
If the problem persists contact your website administrator. Please check logs for further debugging.

I apologize for the interruptions. This is life ;)

Posted: April 14, 2020

The video conversion process has failed. You might want to submit a simpler video format like mpeg or divx avi.
If the problem persists contact your website administrator. Please check logs for further debugging.

I apologize for the interruptions. This is life ;)

Posted: April 14, 2020

The video conversion process has failed. You might want to submit a simpler video format like mpeg or divx avi.
If the problem persists contact your website administrator. Please check logs for further debugging.

I apologize for the interruptions. This is life ;)

Posted: April 14, 2020


OK, I think I had the ipad upside down when I recorded this!! I will try to fix it, but there's a good chance it will stay like this for this week ;) 


Okay, this is explanation 101 with Mme Stewart part 1. ;)


Image Galleries

Added: Tue, Apr 14 2020


Added: Tue, May 19 2020